Chapter 12

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Lexi's POV

"Chase!" I ran into the living room as fast as I could. Gleaming eyes flashed my way. I stopped running and let a full grin cover my face. I breathed a sigh of relief.

I quickly made my way over to Chase. He was seated on the same couch he's been on since that awful fight. I reached out to hug him. He pulled me against his chest, and kissed my head. "I promise." He whispered.

"What?" I was too wrapped up in my utter happiness to understand.

"I'll never leave you. I promise." He pulled back and looked me in the eyes as he spoke. He had been listening.

It all came together. Ever thing sudden clicked. I love him. I love him with all my heart. I can't go in without him. He is my everything. He's the reason I get up every morning. He's the reason I find my self randomly smiling. He is it.

"Good." I smirked before crashing my lips to his. I get wrapped up in the moment. Lips to lips. Chest to chest. Until a cough broke us apart. I blushed realizing all of the high rank wolfs just saw us make out.

I blushed scarlet, "Sorry."

Chase just smiled like a mad man behind me. "So what happened while I was out?" He asked.

"We'll Lexi over here, became our Luna-" I cut off Tucker.

"Which the entire pack hated!" I glared at Tucker before turning around to Chase, "I promised them I would be revoked of my title when you woke up. You should just do it now." I told him.

"Whatever Lexi! You were an amazing Luna! And there were only a couple people not okay with it. You are just too self conscious for your own good. Majority of them love you." Tucker growled, clearly annoyed.

Chase growled in response. Everyone looked over at him shocked. "Don't growl at your Luna, and show her respect!" Be barked out making me blush.

"Sorry sir." Tucker bowed.

I smacked Chase's arm. "Hey big mighty Alpha! Don't be mean!" I frowned at him still embarrassed.

"You are his Luna and he will show you respect!" He told me like I shouldn't be surprised.

"I told him not to call me Luna! He's a friend! He shouldn't be controlled by me like that!" I crunched my eyebrows together. How can he not understand that?

"Fine." Everyone who had been watching our exchange, turned away and pretended to be oblivious. I giggled slightly. Chase's arm tried to snake around my waist, I easily let him. After all this time without him, I craved his touch like water on a hot day. I curled into in, my head on his shoulder. I missed him so much.

I was so afraid this was a dream. So afraid that I would pinch myself and wake up still in Tucker's car. I don't want to be without him again. I can't be without him again. I can't mentally or physically do it. Everyone around us started to talking among themselves.

"I really needed you." I told him, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry cutie. I'll never leave you." He pressed his lips to my forehead and I closed my eyes, leaning into the feeling.

" Have you heard about our relocation yet?" I bit my lip, afraid of what he'll think.

"I think you chose the right thing. I would've done the same." He nodded holding both my hands.

" Has anyone told you about your dad?" I whispered. I didn't want to upset him, but I knew he needed to know.

His face dropped instantly, and I regretted my choice in bringing it up. "Yes." His voice was hard. His eyes betrayed no emotions. He pulled away from me, I fell gently to my left as he stood up.

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