Chapter 11

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Lexi's POV

"They keep getting bigger!" Tucker complained to me. "I don't understand how! They are hunters! Where did they come from?" He paced the room, running his hand roughly through his hair. "We can't keep taking them on! Sooner or later we are going to loose. Loose really bad Lexi." He continued to pace the floor, practically wearing a hole in the carpet. I watched as he went back and forth, racking his brain for a solution.

"Then we are leaving." I announced. He turned to me confused.

"What do you mean leaving? We can't leave the pack." He sounded disappointed in me, my wolf whined at his misunderstanding. We would never leave.

"Not just us, everyone! Well ask the neighboring packs if any of them would take us in for a while." I explained myself, knowing this idea would work. Chase was the one who originally said it.

"I guess...." He thought about it, beginning to pace again. I watched in silence as we went over the idea. I looked down at Chase's hand in my own. "Yeah," Tucker finally spoke. "That'll be much better, I'll go call the nearest Alpha." He turned and walked towards the office.

I hope I'm doing the right thing.


I've come to find that your heart and your mind rarely work together. In order to please your heart, you must go against what your mind is telling you to do. Pretend with me here for a moment, you love a puppy you found at the pet store. You want that puppy so bad, but if you buy that puppy your land lord is going to kick you out. There is a strict no pets policy at your apartment building. Right now Chase is that puppy, and his pack is that land lord. I want him to wake up so bad. So so so bad. But I'm afraid the second he wakes up his pack is going to kick me out. I saw how unhappy some were when I offered to be Luna... I don't want to make anyone mad. What if Chase sides with them and is angry I took the position without his consent? I wish Ms. Sally was here to help me. She still wouldn't speak to anyone. She had hardly even moved since her mate died. I just needed help. Any sort of help. I hated feeling helpless. I had been helpless most of my life and here again I was plagued by the same weak feeling.

"They hate me Chase." I whispered to him, my yes closed, my face pressed into his chest. His poor unconscious body still laid on the couch. "I really hope you don't make me leave, when you see how pitiful of a leader I am. I don't know how to do it without you. I couldn't handle leaving you." I feel my eyes open to look up at his face. His beautiful, calm, unmoving face. I take a deep breath, turning my head back to his chest.

I stared off into space. "I think I love you. I'm not sure yet, but I'm pretty sure I do." I let out a sigh. "Promise not to leave me. Promise me, please. Come on! Wake up and promise me you won't let me go! Promise you love me too!" I pleaded for him to wake up, streams of wet tears flow down my face onto his shirt.

I was grateful Tucker helped me change him out of the bloodied clothes he was originally put in. I could bear seeing his blood, it hurt me to see him hurt.

Begging Chase... It was like talking to a wall. Blank and unmoving. I heard a ruckus come from the kitchen, I walked in to see Tucker and that boy Garret talking.

"Hey guys. Are y'all hungry? I could make you some lunch?" I rubbed my tears away, pushing myself off the floor. I made my way over to the fridge.

"No it's okay Luna. We're fine, but thanks." Garret spoke.

"Don't call me Luna. Just call me Lexi." I smiled at him. "So what are y'all talking about?" I questioned, still digging into the fridge for food disregarding what Garret said. They needed to eat, with all this stress they needed nutrients.

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