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'Here.' Yukhei said as he dropped the peasant right in front of Jaehyun. 'Can I go home now?'

'Not yet.' Jaehyun told him.

Yukhei wanted to roll his eyes, he didn't want to be there serving Jung, but he knew if he didn't Moon would scold him.

'I knew it was you.' Taeyong managed to say. He'd had his mouth stuffed during the whole journey, making his mouth go dry and his saliva spread all over his chin and neck. He wiped it off to look less pathetic in front of Jung and got up. 'What do you want from me now?'

'What makes you think I want something from you?' Jaehyun said, smirking at Taeyong.

'You always want something from me. What, were you not satisfied with the blowjob? What's next? Are you going to force me into having sex?' Taeyong spat, wanting the other to feel the disgust in his words.

'Force? Bet you'd even like it. Just admit you're playing hard to get because you want me to chase after you.'

'I don't want to have sex with you! You're gross and disgusting. Leave me the fuck alone! You-'

'Okay, okay. Calm down, please. I just wanted to help you meet Doyoung again as an apology, but since you're being so dramatic I might just change my mind.'

'W-what? But Doyoung is dead, how am I supposed to meet him again?'

'Nah, I won't tell you. You wanted me to leave you alone, didn't you? Leave. The guards will lead you outside. You're free. Go.'

'No! Tell me! Where is Doyoung?!' He yelled, approaching Jaehyun and using all of his strength to pull him by the collar.

Jaehyun just chuckled and freed himself from Taeyong's grip.

'I see you're really interested in-'

'Just tell me already!'

'Alright.' He said, taking his time to fix his clothes and gaze at Taeyong with a look of superiority. 'Have you ever heard of witches?'


'There's a clan of witches, a few weeks away from here. I'm the only one who knows how to get there in the Kingdom. Rumours say their leader can talk to the dead.'

'I don't believe you.'

Jaehyun scoffed at Taeyong's reaction.

'Well, don't believe me then. Guess my efforts to try and get you in touch with your loved one was just a waste of my time.'

'Stop making it sound like I'm the bad guy here! You're clearly lying. How are you the only one who knows how to get there? If such a thing existed others would know as well. How did you hear the rumours if no one else can go there? Tell me, how?' Taeyong was mad. He was extremely mad because he felt he was being treated like a naive child.

'Fine. You want to know how? I'll tell you then.' 

It was exciting. Secretly sneaking out of the castle against his father's orders made him feel like a rebellious teen. He was only twelve. Yet, that didn't stop him from wanting to be naughty.

He ran through the forest, bumping into bushes every here and there that scratched his skin with their sharp branches. He looked at the tall trees in awe and smiled brightly as soon as he saw the small river. He crouched down to look at the tiny tadpoles that swam in the clear water. He then crossed the river, jumping from rock to rock until he reached the other side.

After a while of admiring the scenery in front of him, he heard some distant voices. It was risky, he could get caught easily and he knew his father would surely scold him if he found out he'd left the castle to wander around alone. However, curiosity got the best of him and he decided to investigate by himself.

'Where are they?'

'They should be near. One of them was badly wounded, they can't be too far away.'

Jaehyun got distracted for a second and he lost his balance, falling on the ground. The leaves underneath himself made some noise and he heard footsteps approaching. He got up immediately, recomposing himself, and as soon as he did he was met face to face with two knights.

"Who are you?" One of them asked. His attire wasn't familiar to Jaehyun. He opened his mouth to answer, but the other knight answered instead.

"He's Jung Jaehyun. Very close to the Moon's." The other knight dressed like the rest of knights in the Moon's Kingdom. He talked to Jaehyun politely. "A clan of witches from the Wang Kingdom crossed the border. They're very dangerous and that's why they were sentenced to death, but they escaped and now some of the knights are searching for them. Have you, perhaps-"

Jaehyun started feeling dizzy, and in an instant he found himself in a different place. He was surrounded by trees as well, and he could hear a conversation not too far away. He rubbed his temples for a second and paid attention to the conversation.

"Sorry for the disturbance, Jung."

He gulped. Was his father there? He snuck between the bushes until he had a clear view of the scene.

His eyes widened as he saw the two knights he'd been talking to just seconds ago talking to...

Jung Jaehyun?

His brain tried to process how on earth he was seeing himself from another point of view. He looked at his own hands and realised they were not his. They had a lot of scratches and wounds, just like his arms. He was wearing ripped clothes that looked dirty and he looked skinnier than usual.

Someone pulled him backwards and covered his mouth.

"Don't move, Jung Jaehyun."

He was completely lost. Someone has just recognised him even though he knew he didn't look like himself at all, since his body seemed to be moving and talking by itself to the two knights.

"Come here and don't make a noise." The stranger said as he dragged Jaehyun somewhere else. A laid body came to view as they approached an area surrounded by tall bushes. It was a guy, he was pale and there was some blood on his face. There was a bandage around his waist with a huge blood stain.

"I-is he dead?" Jaehyun dared to ask the stranger, whispering.

"I hope he isn't... He's badly injured but hopefully he'll survive."

"Who are you?" Jaehyun asked.

"We're the so called "witches" from the Wang Kingdom." Jaehyun's eyes widened as someone with his body and his voice replied to him.


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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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