Lost and Alone

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Eyes open into darkness. No sounds were heard as the now conscious figure struggled to sit up. Looking around, she finds nothing but complete darkness. Standing up she fumbles around the area, using her hands to feel her way around.

Minutes turning into hours, she loses her patience, blasting her way out of the now rubble around her. "Finally, lig-" she cuts herself off hearing her voice, putting a hand to her throat, she leaves the cave to take in her surroundings.

She was left astonished. She didn't recognize any of her surroundings as she looked off the cliff to the vast landscape. Everything had changed. 'How long has it been?!' She asked herself before roaming off.

. . .

Days later, she has yet to get answers, anyone she saw ignored her as if she wasn't there at all, like a ghost. Taking that as a hint to leave the second town, she found herself on another high hill, standing next to a giant tree.

But what caught her attention wasn't the beautiful view, but was the monument she found herself coming across.

As she stared at it, tears began to collet in her eyes. "Sukuna...." she mumbled as she looked at the carving of the king of curses with this human figure beside him, both in a fighting position.

"You seems lost, child." A voice approached the girl holding her tears. She faces the old man who stood a few feet away. Instantly getting into a fighting stance, awaiting an attack.

"No need to get antsy, there's no way I could fight at my age!" The elder chuckled while waving her off. Eyes slighting widening at what he saw. "Come child, let us talk elsewhere, my cabin is just down this hill." He turned, beginning his walk down. The girl cocked her head in confusion before glancing at the monument again. 

. . .

Inside the small cabin, the girl found a hot meal sat on the table before her. The old man asked a few questions such as how she found her way in the middle of no where. After awhile the two finished their meals. The girl quickly making her way back to the front door to go back.

"It's been 600 years since that war..." the man's voice halted the girl's movement. She jerked her head to the side to the elder in question. "Six.....hundred?!"

He merely nodded, opening a window to view the statue from where he stood. "600 years the war ended with the death of the so called king of curses, though many speculate what ever happened to his only subordinate, that girl in the carving...."

The girl sat beside him, looking out the window quietly listening, waiting for him to continue.

"Some say she ran off to bare a child." He watched as her face contorted in disgust, "some say the king killed her before the sorcerers could. While only a few believed she actually found a way to save the two in which caused her to disappear, like a long slumber." He glanced at her to see the look of shock on her face before quickly being covered by her long bangs.

"Get some rest child." The old man pats her back before closing the window and walking off.

. . .

The next morning the old man found the girl sitting in the shade the tree provided beside the statue.

"You seem as though you are lost, may I know why?" The elder stood behind the girl, where he could still see her face and the carving. 'Something about her eyes...' he thought waiting for an answer.

"600 years is a long time...." was her reply as she brushed her hair away from her face.

"And yet it wasn't long enough for 'him' to return...." the man mumbled, which the girl caught, causing her to look at him in shock.

"I finally understand, you look lost because you have lost the only thing you cared about. I'm sure he'd be looking for you if it were the other way around...." he makes his way back down the hill. And is soon followed by the girl who's intrigued by the conversation.

. . .

"The Jujutsu sorcerers had given up looking for the half-human that helped Ryomen Sukuna 600 years ago. They all believed she had died way back then." The man sat in a chair holding a small box.

"I've heard many stories being passed down throughout the generations..."He coughed before setting the box slightly in front of the girl. "Your hair has grown so much over the years you've stayed hidden...I have one thing I'd like to say before you open that box." He coughs again. "You are the lady in that carving, the one that befriended that curse, yes?" The girl nods.

"Over the years you've fought back then, you became less human. The fact that you were born half-human is a great power. It's not a curse of its own like you may  have believed. But the thing is, you belong in both worlds, of the humans and of curses. The more you fight humans, the less human you become. The more you help human the less curse you become." He points at the box.

"I want you to take that, and with it, I hope you make your own path. I want you to love again, and live a life you believe in. Just like I wish I had done for my grandson....make your...new path...dear Y/N..." the old man's eyes close, everything went silent as he took his last breath.

Looking at the box, Y/N puts it aside. Standing up and walking out the doors and up the hill.

. . .

Besides the tree, sat Y/N looking down at the grave she had made the old man, the box he gave her in her hands. Slowly pulling the strings untied, a sense of cursed energy flowed through her. Hastily opening the box, a finger sat on a note. Not just any finger, but one that smelled of Sukuna, one infused with the king's energy.  Hugging the finger slightly, she unfolds the note.

After reading the note she pockets it. Standing to look at the landscape, she holds Sukuna's finger close.

"After so much time...I may be alone now, but one day....we'll be sure to meet again, cause now I know for sure....you too are alive, my friend!" Tears blow in the wind as they fall from her face. Looking at his finger, "this is only the beginning a new life." Pocketing it, she looks back at the elder's grave, rethinking of his last words and the letter.

"Don't you worry, I won't fall, and neither will the humans...for I am now free." she smiles, walking off to nowhere, to begin her new journey.

. . .

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