Part Four : Casper's backstory.

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Art by Epiphanydjh  on Wattpad 

Casper : See, before  you turned nine , Me and the other " feelings" .... did not get along well. We just did things that would not be good for you in the future...

I am not proud of that . You were small and so were we . I found a way to get out of that hell hole when you had turned nine.... I left without telling anyone .

When I left , I am not even going pretend I was worried or something , I was not .. At all , Rather I was having the best time of my life. No one was there to boss me around and i felt ... free. 

See , the thing about us " feelings " is that we are not born when The person we are in are , so like i was not born when you were . The " feelings" are people who did .... not so good things when they were alive .  I was given to control yr happiness because I was....

**Casper stopped out of no where and i grew more curious** 

Me : hey hey , its ok . You don't have to tell me . We all have done something in the past that we are not proud off .

Casper : Yeah, but u deserve to know .

*He took another deep breath , i wanted to make him stop because i did not want him to feel uncomfortable but i knew i could not , but he can trust me*

Casper : I was given to control yr happiness because I ... I did not necessarily make people happy when I was a human . Bully ? Bully you can say . 

Me : So if it works that way , Angry in there because he did not make people angry ? * i said in a confused tone*

Casper : There are diffrent reasons , Angry MADE people angry .

Me : Scared made people scared , Sad made people sad?

Casper : Yes. After I escaped yr head or yr emotions , I had the best month of my life .

Me : Just a month ?

Casper : yeah , and then i got worried . You were already not wanting to be the Queen when everyone forced you too , Happiness was a thing u needed the most . Then i went to search or a land where u can be happy , I found it a day before I came back . It dose not have a lot of people in the town right now but it is something that can make you happy .

Me : Casper... Thank you ... How can i ever repay you for doing this for me ?

Casper : What do you mean ? I ran away when you needed me the most .

Me: No , well yes u did but you came back while u could have enjoyed yr freedom and helped me escape THAT hell hole . Thank you 

Casper : I-I never thought about it like that .

***After he said that , i spotted that the sun had started to rise , WOW I HAD BEEN FLYING FOR A WHOLE NIGHT***

I flew down and put on the cloth i both for cycling in the morning , and got on my cycle 

Casper : Arn't you hungry ? or tired ?

Me : Soft boy casperrrrr , yes , i am starving and i am very tired but my fule right now is excitement to reach the place you are talking about 

Casper: Shut up , lets get some food and chill near a tree and then we can head off , alright ?

Me : Alright... * i said is a disappointed tone* 

***After getting food **


Casper : ORR ,  you were just starving 

*we both laughed*

***after i ate the whole thing in 5 mins.... i was hungry ok?***

Casper : ready ?

Me : mhm , lets go .

* I got on my bike and started going*

Casper : WOAH , GO SLOWER , we don't wana reach there in 5 mins . * he said sarcastically*

Me : **goes faster** , OKAY! how far is it anyways 

Casper : By the speed you are going , 20 mins max 

Me : but right now we are in the middle of no where 

Casper: With all due respect my Queen , there is not going to be a castle there , its a small town with 10-11 people.

Me: Shut up , it is a small town , ITS GONA BE SO FUN

***We both giggled***

THAT IS IT , There you go beautiful people , another chapter . For understanding better , Casper is Ana's head no one can see or hear him , when ana is talking to him , she is just thinking about it and casper can hear it .

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