Part Nine : You can't stop us now.

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After that discussion I got to work . I made all of us swords, sharp tools so we can cut through plants in the cave . I made sure that Fish bought long ropes and if they were so short then combine them . We needed that so we would not get lost . I worked till around 11pm . I was tired definitely but I was happy that I finished my work . 

Casper : Finally I can talk to you . I could not talk to you because stupid "sad feeling" was pushing me around. 

Ana : *Giggles* Yep you can . How do you feel by the way ?

Casper : Actually decent , I think they stopped cutting the mushroom . 

Ana : Thats some good news we needed . 

Casper : Yeah for sure. 

I went to sleep . I felt motivated . I came such a long form a lonely princess without feeling happy for almost 5 years of my life . I had no friends but now... You can't stop me , in fact NO ONE can . The new freedom I found , The new things I learned and best of all , The new friends I made , I know for a fact that they will be here for me even through my darkest times and so will I . 

No one could stop us. 

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