Part Five : Are we here ?

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Picture form

Casper and I were just silent for the rest of the ride while I zoomed passed things as there were nothing . There were no cars or bikes there , just a road which was just not made fully.

We arrived at the gate and I thought to myself  " What now?" hoping Casper would reply since I had NO IDEA what to do next , but to my surprise there was no one replied . I got worried about him . Since I could not do anything about it , I just walked into the town .

As Casper had told , there were not a lot of people in that town , the houses were small and not organised , like the town was just  formed. There was vegetation every where . A lot to take in.

I must have looked lost and like a total fool looking around because someone walked up to me and said.

Them : " hello miss , you look new here . Would you like some help ?"

Me : * snaps out of my thoughts* "OH- um yeah , um- I am new here , I would love if you could tell me about this place"

Them : " lovely , My name is Emma , this town is not that much .... as you can probably see "

Me:  Its lovely here , nice to meet you Emma! My name is Ana .

Emma: Nice to meet you too! There are a lot of empty houses , You can buy one if want 

Me : Oh ! i will look into that . Would you have a clothing store or something ? I need something to wear ... My cloths are kinda.... dirty and wet ..

Emma : We don't have a clothing store here ... But i can lend you some off my cloths ! 

***Emma hands me a few cloths and lets me stay at her house for a while***

(The following thing  is happening in my head and I am in Emma's room that she gave me)

Casper: *yawns* WHAT WERE ARE WE ?

Me: oh look who decided to wake up . * i said in the sarcastically*

Casper : well you were not the one trying to search for a place for 5 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE

Me : Tochè , **I told casper the whole story***

Casper : She seems nice .

Me : Mhm.

***It was still bright morning so i could not go out , Emma enters the room**

Emma : Its bright sun light , wana go for a walk ?

Me : I-I can't

Emma : Oh right ! You are probably tired , take some rest sweet heart <3

Me : NO, I mean its not that. I- 

*Emma looks at me in concern , thinking something wrong with me , or I hurt myself *

Emma : Sweetheart , Are you okay?

Me : i am a half vampire 

Emma : * looks in surprise* OH , wait do you-

Me: No.. I do not drink human blood or blood in general but i need mean to sustain myself 

Me : Yeah... *i get up from the bed*  "I should get going " . * I said thinking she will not like me in her home anymore*

Emma : No wait , were are you going ? Its ok . You can stay here for as long as you want , I don't care if you are a half vampire of a full one ....... And for the walk , how about we go at night ?

Me : Thank you so much ... I-I would love to go on a walk with you .

Emma : Alright ! so thats that . See you later girl , take care . 

After Emma left , I got lost in my thoughts .... again. No one was ever so nice to me .Why was she doing this for me ? She was so nice.  

                                                            ******After a 3 days ******

Emma : That dose seem like a nice house , Its not to big not to small and you can set up a little shop over here and then- 

Me: *giggles* thank you Emma for all your help . 

Emma: off corse  sweat heart , ok here listen.

Me: mhm?

Emma : I don't mean it in a offensive way but  I think you should meet more people . You can't just sit here on your shop all day , can you?

Me : yeah you are right but when I CAN go out there is no one to be seen .

Emma : well that is because you go out at midnight  and only talk to casper and no one eles . You are a half vamp , you can go out when its evening .

Me : You are right . *sigh* fine, ill go meet more people now. * i said in a tired tone*

I walk around for a while and really got pulled away with nature . It was so beautiful and pure . I was so driven away by the pure gaze of it .  I did not even realise that i said " woah " out load 

Someone : Pretty isn't it ?

Me : *jumps because i did not know anyone was there* OH! 

Them : Oh , sorry I did not mean to scare you .

Me : That's fine , It is very pretty . 

Them : Yep ! I take care of all the plants here!


Them : I sure do , OH! where are my manners , I am Niki! 

Me : pleasure meeting you Niki, My name is Ana !

Them : Nice to meet you ! Wana go for a walk ?

Me : Sure !

*** we talked for hours , until the sun started to come up***


Niki : What ? why ? 

Me : I'll tell you later niki ! * i said while running away*

Casper : idiot, you can fly 

Me : OH YEAH! **turns into a bat**

***after I reach home***


Me : oh well someone is happy !

Emma : I sure am ! I finished setting up your house !


Emma : yeah yeah , yr welcome , but where were you all day ? I got worried 

Me : Oh yeah , I  made a new friend , she is super nice , her name is Niki! 

Emma : I knew you and Niki would get along .

Me : and you were right as always . 

Emma : I am never wrong!

**we got laughed **

Emma : well now I  will get going ! Its getting late , you sure you will be okay ?

Me : Yeah MOM I will be fine * i said in a teasing tone*

Emma : shut up , anyways , I left you some food on the table . Don't sleep without eating again . 

Me : I won't * i said while waving her good bye* 

* I laid down as i had no sleep last night and just chilled in my bed , A few hours later I went to get food as i was getting hungry , and then a door bell rung * 


trust meter : 
Emma : 70 %
Casper : 100%
Niki : 40 % 

WOAH BIG CHAPTER , that is cuz ily all a lot . HAVE A AWESOME DAY EVERYONE !

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