chapter 5

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Trent's pov

I headed out the door, wanting to, but not causing any trouble. I knew they were watching me. I don't care. I don't see why everyone thinks that they are so perfect. They have flaws just like me. They wouldn't admit that though. And why won't Wes just shut up about Layla? She is just an ugly slut. She only wants him for popularity. I don't know what Wes see's in her. I don't even know if they like me, but i'm his brother for Christs sake! All she does is gossip about me and others. So many people hate me because of her words. I take a sip of my beer and continue to drive. It'll take me a while to get home still. The party was at the state line at the kids vacation house.

I take a sip of my beer after I speed off from a green light. I don't get why the even have me going home. It isn't like they will be at the party and I will be bothering them. I am NOT a child. I can make my own choices! I make a quick decision and find a small cut out in the median of the road. I make a u-turn, my tires skidding, and pray to god that there isn't a state boy behind me...

(because I am lazy... Skip one hour forward and you can imagine that he drank and is having a good time... )

"chug! chug! Chug! chug! chug! chug!" I slam the beer bottle down and wipe the foam off my mouth... "Brad, you're... you're going down!" I try to think about who had gotten me into the beer chugging contest but it just didn't come. Somehow I had ended up getting into a truth or dare contest and the next thing I know, I am here. Chugging beer with some fugly kid named Bob. We keep taking turns slurping down the beers until his face starts scrunching up.

"he's gonna blow!"

"take cover!"

It takes me a minute before I realize what they meant and put two and two together. Luckily, my right are is tugged beneath the counter and I get out of the way before Bill spills his guts all over the place I was just sitting at.

as I get up, I realize that I have on somebody's watch? I try to check the time, The watch blurs and tilts but I can faintly see the arm thing pointing to the... the... oh! 11:00 I need to get home. I h ave a smoking hot girlfriend that needs my energy tomorrow. Or at least in the bed.

"dude... I have to go..." I slur

"take me, I live some where, clo- close-ish t-to you"

"Alright, man. get in the car." I carefully focus on walking out the front door. On my way out I grab a beer. 'I'm gonna get thirsty and I don't want to stop at a station.' I unlock the car and stumble into it. The guy in the passenger seat hits his head on the way in. I chuckle, start the car and take off, Rambling about the DJ and his amazing rave music.

After I drop the kid off, I started thinking. Why did I even leave the party? It wasn't even 7:30. I don't get why they think that they are so perfect anyways. They just don't get it. Being popular isn't everything. One day their parents are going to stop paying for their bills and try won't know what to do in the world. Stupid bitches. I immediately take a U turn and continue driving the other way. I take a sip of my beer and continue to trash talk them in my mind. Imagining what I would say to them the next time I see their ugly ass faces. Eventually, I drank the rest of my beer. I reach out toward the backseat and find a heavy glass bottle and pull it up to me, trying to read the label.


Oh god that sounds amazing! I take my hand off the wheel and start driving with my knees. I eagerly open the bottle and chug it. I throw the bottle in the back and grip the wheel in my hands, continuing to think about how Layla and Wes and how Idiotic they are. Words can't describe how much I hate those too! Ever since Wes' mom got married to my dad I swear he vowed to make my life miserable. After I broke his moms arm, he got even worse. But come on, It was an accident! She decided to ground me that night and she wouldn't let me leave the house so I decided to sneak out my window. She heard my window creak and she ran up the stairs. What was I supposed to do? I wanted to see my

Suddenly, My arm jerks to the right. What the hell? It keeps twitching and I do my best to shake it out but it keeps happening. I don't know what Is causing this! I continue driving, I won't stop because a stupid little twitch and shake.

After a few minutes it stops only for it to come back again. This time, much worse.

I tightly grip the wheel. I am determined not to slow down because I want to get back to that party. My vision shifts a bit and little by little, some lights become blurry. I continue driving. My head starts pounding and my palms start sweating. I can barely hold onto the wheel. My vision tilts and my body locks up. Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit,Shit.... Is all I can thinks as I start speeding up towards a black mustang. I lose control of my body and try my hardest to lay on the horn. My breathing quickens as I start to veer closer and closer to the car.

The next things I see is the black interior of the pretty black mustang.


Mwa hahahaha!!!!!! you all probably hate me by now. I'm sorry. but hey! I updated!

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