Not My Name

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After school I went to my locker and gathered my stuff together. For lunch we had orange chicken and it wasn't sitting well with my stomach. I wanted to get this meeting over with as soon as possible. So I rushed outside.

I saw him leaning against a wall, his dark black hair covering his bright green eyes. I pulled down my sleeves to make sure he wouldn't notice the many little cut marks. I didn't like people knowing about my pain. When I walk up he stood up straight.

"Hey you came. I thought I would have to chase you down again." he said with a light laugh.

"Well I could always leave." I replied with a smirk.

"No. No. Don't go." he sounded worried and I couldn't help but laugh. "Please don't laugh at me dear." he said sounding slightly pained.

"My name is not dear, so don't call me dear. My name is Sarafina Crossheart. Get it? Got it? Good." I didn't give him a chance to talk until now because I said that all in one breathe.

"Okay, okay sorry. Sarafina, I mean Sarafina." he stated really fast. As he took a step closer to me I took one back.

"Why did you want to meet me here?" I interrupted him. I wanted to get home as soon as possible. I was tired and my feet hurt. I still had to walk home since my mother was still at work.

He started to look shy. "I just wanted to talk to you." I pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Sorry I can't stand talking to people when I can't see their eyes." I explained feeling kinda sorry I interrupted him again.

"That's okay I get it." he stopped talking and smiled at me.

"Stop it. You look creepy." I said as I squirmed uncomfortably. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked extremely curious by what he had said earlier.

"I'll get straight to the point, since you seem to want to go. I want to date you. Please let me explain. I have liked you for some time and I have only gotten the courage to talk to you now." he started, shaking his hair back into his eyes. It was clear that he was nervous, and it was kinda cute.

"Everyone hates me though. Why would you like me? Why would anyone like me?" I asked slowly turning around confused.

"Wait, let me drive you home. It's the least I can do." he said softly grabbing hold of my wrist. "I can drive. Please let me drive you." he looked a little unsure of himself. "You walk home anyways, don't you?"

"Yeah I walk. Thanks for the offer, but you really don't have to." I told him as I started to walk away. Or I started to try to walk away. He still had my wrist.

He turned me around. Somehow. How didn't I notice how he turned me? "No really I would love to drive you home." he said with a cheesy smile. What was wrong with this guy?

"Okay, fine." I said starting for the parking lot by this time there were mostly just teacher cars. "I mean thank you." I changed it as soon as I realized how rude I sounded.

"You sure are a feisty one." he whispered, but I could hear him fine.

I turned around. "If you think I am so feisty why do you want to give me a ride then?" I could feel my cheeks heating up. I am easily angered.

"Calm down. You look tired and I don't think a gorgeous girl like you should be walking. If it's alright with you Sarafina, I would like to come in your house and give you a foot rub. You are limping and you look in pain." he looked honest. I wasn't used to people caring about me.

"Okay I am sorry. I'm just not very good with people. I really don't have any friends." I felt ashamed, and I had no idea why I was opening up to him.

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