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After spending the afternoon with Phoenix, he brought me home. At home I started and finished my homework really quick. After being an outcast for so long it felt kinda weird to hang out with somebody.

I started to make dinner, I wasn't feeling very hungry so I just put together a salad. I ate everything I put together. That wasn't normal, because I am not normally very hungry. I guess running around with a goofball like Phoenix made me burn more than usual.

I really had nothing to do now. It was just around 5:30. I ran upstairs and grabbed a book from my huge bookcase. I am a total nerd I know. As I started to read I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I ignored it, because nobody would really be trying to talk to me on my cell. Nobody had my number. I don't even know why I have the stupid thing anyways.

I walked to my bed and sat down while reading. My phone vibrated again. I pulled it out of my pocket a bit annoyed. I found two text messages from an unknown number. So it wasn't mom. I opened them up by tapping on the notification.

Hey gorgeous girl, this is my number in case you didn't save it in your phone because you didn't know me well.

I really enjoyed hanging with you today, hope to do it again soon.

I typed out, HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU GET MY NUMBER PHOENIX!? then I hit send and out it went.

In popped a message I grabbed your phone and got the number for myself. I figured you wouldn't mind, because you already have mine.

Well that's not so bad. Why did you text me exactly?

I thought you would like to know that I had it, and I am bored. What are you doing?

Aren't you popular? Don't you have a huge group of people who would die to spend time with you? I was reading, but now I am texting you.

Haha I don't want to spend time with those fake people. I am sorry to disturb your reading, but would you like to do something with me again today?

Whatever, I don't care.

Alright I'll be right there beautiful.

What did I just get myself into? I opened my book and started reading, hopefully I'll be right there really meant you have time to read your book now.

After just about five minutes I heard the doorbell. Goodness that was fast. How close does he live? I got off of my bed and went downstairs to get the door.

Upon opening the door I found Phoenix with a bundle of roses in his hands in front of his chest. He looked adorable, and that thought made me want to hit myself across the face. I didn't, but only because he was right there. So instead I awkwardly pushed him, unfortunately for me I started blushing. This is why I hate being pale.

Should I invite him in or just stare at him. Staring seems to be going well. Maybe too well. Wait am I wearing pants? I slammed the door shut and looked down. Oh good I am. Now how do I explain what I just did? I opened the door again to the same cute Phoenix with roses in his hands. The only thing that changed was his expression. Surprise was written all over his facial features.

"I um didn't remember if I had um pants on. Had to check really quick. Sorry"

"You aren't. You are wearing shorts." he stated with that annoying smirk. Why did he do that? He was right though shorts aren't pants.

"You make a good point pants and shorts are totally different. I didn't know if I was wearing bottoms. There that covers both. Actually it covers anything you wear on the bottom half of your body. Yet still socks and shoes are not bottoms because they are socks and shoes. Where as for odd things like tights and stuff that's not counted as bottoms even though they kinda are. I am rambling. I should go find tape, maybe with the help of some tape I could learn not to ramble on and on until aliens take over the world. Then try to kill the human race, because they are smarter than us and have powers or something. How cool would it be to have powers? Oh my goodness that would be awesome! Oh yeah shutting up now." When I finally realized I was talking to Phoenix and not my mother I got embarrassed and blushed super hard. Why did I bring up aliens? At least I didn't say bananas were going to get super strength and take over the world. I think I scared the mailman forever.

"Don't worry about talking too much with me dear. I don't mind. Although standing in your doorway with roses is a bit odd. I wouldn't trade it for anything because I am with the girl I have had a crush on since forever." he leaned against the doorframe.

"Oh my goodness you are right I should let you in." I moved out of the way and he walked in then spun around.

"These are for you. Do you have somewhere you would like them? Before you try to take them out of my hands and put them somewhere don't. Because I am not going to let you touch them due to the fact these thorns hurt very bad." he was so caring and sweet. You could tell in his eyes that he was super serious.

"I have a vase upstairs, I'll go get it. You can stay here." I ran up the stairs and got the vase to then do the stairs again. He was waiting at the bottom. He looked straight into my eyes and that made me uncomfortable so I looked at his arm. Good job Sarafina, keeping things normal.

He put the flowers in the vase. Even though it was a simple action the way he did it was so graceful. I'm honestly amazed by how much I liked him, hardly knowing him and all. I grab the vase to the kitchen to get them some water.

Filling the vase with water I hear Phoenix walk in. "Sarafina dear are you angered that you can't be reading right now?" his question seems a bit like a little kid is asking.

"A little bit but not much. I don't mind you." I told him honestly. "What do you want to do?"

"We could watch a movie." he said this statement more like a question. It was kinda cute the way he said it.

"That sounds great!" I sounded way more enthusiastic then intended.

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