Chapter 47: Aespa

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The next morning...

I woke up to sun rays hitting my face. I groaned and looked next to me to see Jennie still sleeping peacefully.

'Cute.' I thought.

I kissed Jennie on the cheek before getting up. I then went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. When I was done, I decided to wear this for today.

 When I was done, I decided to wear this for today

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(Ignore the sunglasses.)

I then went over to Jennie to wake her up.

"Jen, wake up." I said.

Jennie mumbled something but remained asleep. I then giggled and started to kiss her cheeks.

"Hmm, no (Y/N), stop." Jennie mumbled.

"Not until you wake up." I said.

I continued kissing Jennie's cheeks until she finally woke up.

"Good morning beautiful" I said.

"Good morning" Jennie replied and yawned.

I kissed her on the cheeks again causing her to whine.

"Can you leave my cheeks alone?" Jennie whined.

"I can't. They're so cute and fluffy." I said.

I leaned in and was about to kiss her cheeks again when Jennie grabbed my face and made me kiss her lips instead. I moaned softly when she bit my bottom lip and pulled me on top of her. We continued to make out for a while until I pulled away from the kiss.

"Hmm. As much as I want to continue this, we have school." I said.

"Can we skip?" Jennie asked cutely.

"As cute as you are, no" I said.

I gave her one more peck on the lips before getting up again.

"Now go get ready. I'll make breakfast." I said.

"Okay" Jennie said.

I went downstairs while Jennie went to her room.

Time skip to dance class...

I just got to dance class and when I walked through the door, I was immediately greeted by Karina.

"Hey (Y/N)" Karina greeted me.

"Hey Rina" I greeted her.

"How are you doing today?" she asked.

"I'm doing good as far. What about you?" I asked.

"I'm doing good as well." she replied.

We then sat down next to each other.

"So I need your help with something." Karina said.

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