Chapter 10

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The next day after breakfast Mahir takes Bela to Vyom's house, Tara welcomes them "Welcome welcome new couple", as soon as they enter Mayra runs to Bela instead of Mahir. Tara, Vyom and Mahir look at Mayra amused, Bela smiles and takes her in her arms and gives her chocolates "Belu...choco Yayyy", Mahir looks at Mayra pouting "Someone forgot me", Mayra jumps to Mahir and hugs him "Mahiii", Mahir keeps looking elsewhere although she was in his arms "Vyom someone forgot me seeing their new friend so I'm going to eat all the chocolates I brought for Mayra by myself", Bela chuckles while Mayra hugs him again and then holds her ears "Mahi chorry".  Everyone melts seeing her holding her ears, Mahir smiles at her "Okay now give me a kissey then you will get your chocolate", she kisses his cheek and he hands over her the chocolates.

Mahir then let's her down, she starts running around with all the chocolates in her hand, Tara stops her "Baby only one chocolate a day...give the rest", Mayra pouts looking at her mom "Mumma Belu and Mahi give Choco...", Tara shakes her head "Yeah before it's was only your Mahi now your Belu also only one chocolate a day remember", she keeps pouting, Bela melts seeing her pout and goes near her "Tara let her have it na...", Mayra claps and giggle "Thank you Beluu", saying this she starts running around, Tara "She will start coughing Bela...that's why", Bela "Okay then let me try". Just as Bela was about to go near Mayra she sees Mahir with her "Baby Mumma said right one chocolate...go put the rest in the are a good girl right", Mayra keeps pouting looking at him, "If you eat one chocolate a day you will have chocolate to eat daily...if you eat everything now then you won't have chocolate for tomorrow baby...and Mayra baby will get Achu...then Mumma won't let you eat Chocolate at all", Mayra looks at him "Mayra Don want Achu", Mahir smiles "Good girl and go put the chocolates in the fridge". She runs to the kitchen and tries opening the fridge, she was not able to open it seeing which Mahir goes near her and opens the fridge and picks her up, she puts the chocolates in the fridge and taking only one chocolate in her hand, he smiles and kisses her cheek "My Mayra is a good girl", Mayra hugs him "Yes Mayra is a good gal".

Bela was smiling looking at Mahir talking with Mayra and how she was listening to him. Tara also smiles looking at Mahir "See she listens to him only", Bela keeps looking at Mahir "Yeah he is so happy being with her". Tara looks at Bela who was busy admiring Mahir, Kuch tho ho raha hai (Something is happening)...I saw the way she looks at Mahir throughout the wedding...does she like Mahir even before the wedding. Tara calls Bela bringing her out of her trance "Bela I'm going to make lunch do you want to join", Bela nods "Sure". Bela and Tara were in the kitchen making lunch while Mahir and Vyom were outside in the garden playing with Mayra. Tara looks at Bela not sure how to ask her about Mahir "Bela", Bela looks at her "Yeah Tara", Tara decides that she will ask her about Mahir maybe after somedays now is too early "What would you like to have you have come to our house for the first time", Bela smiles "You make whatever you want", Tara "Yaar come on tell na something which you like", Bela "Okay fine...I love biriyani", Tara smiles "Bela my cooking is bad so kindly adjust", Bela chuckles "I'll help you let's make biriyani, jeera rice, dal and Carrot halwa", Tara smiles "Great...poor Mahir he only gets to eat fried rice every time he comes here".

Bela and Tara make lunch and they all have their lunch, Vyom "Tara are you sure you made this", Mahir "I'm sure Bela has made this", Tara looks at him "How do you know?", Mahir looks at Tara "Tara you can't cook buddy...and yesterday I came to know how amazing Bela's cooking this is definitely made by Bela not you", Tara pouts looking at him "I know I'm not so good at cooking but Vyom eats daily the food I make", Vyom smiles sheepishly at Tara "Do I have a choice baby". Tara glares at Vyom, Bela jumps in "Tara only made the biriyani I just told her how...", Mahir "Nice try Bela but remember you made this yesterday and it tastes the same", Tara looks at him teasingly "Ohh so you remember how her food tastes...nice nice...your wife only made the food", Mahir shakes his head while Bela looks elsewhere trying to hide her blush as Tara addresses her as his wife.

Mayra was eating the carrot halwa, more than her mouth her cheeks and nose were eating it, Bela makes her sit in her lap, Mayra forwards the carrot halwa in her hand to Bela "Belu you want", Bela nods and Mayra feeds her. Bela then cleans her face after she completes eating and then starts playing with her, she was giggling like a baby along with Mayra, Mahir keeps looking at her as she keeps smiling and giggling with Mayra, her baby like giggles were making his heart flutter, he keeps staring at her without even realising. Tara and Vyom look at him smiling and keep whispering to each other, Vyom "Baby this guy is warming upto her", Tara "I can see that...look at how he is admiring her", Vyom "Andy uncle got him married to the right girl", Tara "I saw the way she was talking to those gossiping aunties...the way she defended him who wouldn't fall for this girl...I know it's not easy for him to believe in love but she isn't also a person who you can stay away from" Vyom smiles "I'm so happy baby seeing this...this is what I wanted for him always", Tara "Baby you know one thing...she also looks at him the same way if not with more love...", Vyom "Let their love blossom soon".

Later in the evening Mahir and Bela leave for Sehgal Mansion, Bela keeps looking outside as they were driving towards the Sehgal Mansion. A soft song keeps playing in the radio, there was no awkwardness in the silence between them, there was a kind of peace in the silence. Soon they reach home and they both go their room, Bela and Mahir change into their pajamas. Mahir was standing in the balcony while Bela brings his coffee "Maa told me that you drink coffee", Mahir smiles "Ohh coffee made by you...Thank you Bela", Bela also smiles "Thank you Mahir ji for taking me along...Mayra is the feels good spending time with her", Mahir "Yeah she is...I could see you were happy spending time with you like kids?", Bela "I love kids and on the first time itself she was smiling and she called me Belu...she is adorable...". She keeps smiling and talking about kids and Mayra while Mahir keeps staring at her as she talks "Your smile is beautiful", he says without even realising. She blushes looking elsewhere, Mahir realises what he is doing and turns around looking elsewhere "Umm let's sleep", Bela nods.

They go back inside the room, Bela takes pillow and blanket and goes to the couch, Mahir looks at her confused "Bela..what are you doing" Bela looks at him "Mahir ji we can take turns sleeping on the can sleep one day and I'll sleep one day", Mahir "But Bela...", Bela interrupts "Today I'm sleeping on the shouldn't argue with your friend",  Mahir smiles "Okay fine...nobody can argue with you", Bela smiles and takes the couch. Mahir lies down on the bed, Bela lies down on the couch and closes her eyes drifting into sleep, Mahir lies down facing Bela thinking, what am I doing...why are you affecting me Bela...I don't even realise I'm staring at are making my heart also flutter...this isn't supposed to happen...Mahir don't do this...don't think about are thinking about her a lot that's why you are getting affected...don't think Mahir...yes if I don't think about her she won't affect me, he looks at her she was pouting while sleeping, she is so cute just like a baby...they way she was playing with Mayra turning into a baby...her baby like giggles can melt anyone...Mahirrr this is what you are not supposed to do...not to think about her, he shakes his head and turns around, he drifts into sleep thinking about what is happening to him.

That's all for now.
Happy Birthday to Pearl's Albela💖
Hope you all like it ❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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