Chapter 28

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Mahir, Vish and Kuhu were standing at the doorway shocked with their mouth hanging open as 'Dilbar' song was played on the music player and Bela's dupatta was lying on the floor while she was doing sexy moves and moving her hip to the beats. "She can dance like this", "Are you sure that's Bhabhi", "She is sexy", The lemon soda glass falls down from Mahir's hand as she signs him to come in with her hands, the sound of shattering glass brings the three of them out of their shocked state. Vish and Kuhu look here and there "Umm bhai we will go and bring a new glass handle her....bye", they both were not able to handle Bela's dancing and run from there leaving Mahir with Bela who was dancing like a sexy siren. He gulps and thinks to himself, Mahir she is drunk...remember that...not in her senses...yes she dancing like a sexy siren but controllll Mahir...self control...take deep breaths...breathe in breathe out...Okay now I think I can handle her.

He locks the door and goes near her, she pulls him closer and runs her hand over his chest in a seductive way. Mahir looks at her shocked his eyes widen to size of tennis balls as she runs her hand over his chest, Godd she is hot🔥...the way she dancing ufff...I'm dead in this hotness, she moves around him dancing letting her hand run over his body, arousing all wrong hormones which he was trying hard to control. He gulps trying to moisten his throat which had gone dry due to her moves, she pushes him onto the bed and sits on his lap, she runs her finger on his face, he sucks in a breathe, his mind was getting jumbled up with his seductress's moves, he whispers "Belaaa don't...." but she doesn't stop and continues to give him a lap dance, he closes his eyes tries taking deep breaths to stop himself from doing something that he might end up regretting later.

Come on Mahir you can do this...yeah I can do her...Fuckkk!! that's not what I'm supposed to think...shut it!!...okay Mahir remember the day you fell in the gutter while playing...that was disgusting...yes now think of that, he was trying hard to concentrate on that but he feels her soft hands cup his cheeks. He opens his eyes abruptly feeling her soft baby hands, she continues looking at him blinking "Mahillll jiiii...whyyy you danceee with helllll...I donnn liiikkkee iiitt" she slurrs, Mahir face softens looking at her innocent face "Baby it was just to make you jealous", she looks at him confused trying to understand his words but everything was passing above her head "helousss". She was still sitting on his lap with her hands cupping his face, her gaze shifts to his lips "Mahillll jiii kisshhh meeee", his eyes grows to the size of saucers hearing her😳. She was not at all helping him, he was already in dire need of a cold shower and now she wanted him to kiss her, her pink plump lips had been tempting him from a long time, hell he would love to kiss her but she was not in her senses that was his only thought.

Just then she pulls his face closer and brushes her lips to his, she backs off just pecking his lips once and keeps looking at him, Mahir was still looking at her shocked, she then kisses his nose bringing him out of his shock "Belaaa...don't baby". She doesn't listen and continuous to kiss both his cheeks, his arms which were holding her waist tightens around her squeezing her into him "Baby please listen...". He was helpless and right now regretting his decision of trying to make her jealous, you wanted to make her enjoy this extra sweettt can neither do anything nor are you able to stop her...I didn't know that me trying to make her jealous will turn her into a sexy siren and I am controlling myself only I know...this woman is making me mad.

She snuggles into his neck and puts her arm around his neck after kissing his cheeks, her nose brushing his neck, he feels tingling sensation on his nape. Soon he feels her breathes going even and soft near his neck, he realises that she has drifted into sleep. He was finally relieved that she slept, he made her lie down on the bed and looks at her, she was snoring peacefully as if she hadn't caused a havoc in him just sometime ago. Look at her sleeping peacefully and innocently like a baby ruining my peacefulness...and my self control...who knew this baby could be a sultry seductress...just wake up in the morning baby we'll see how you escape from me...but right now I need to shower...look what you are making me do...take a cold shower so late into the night, he shakes his head and goes to take a shower. After coming back he calls Vish and Kuhu, the party was over and guests had left, he asks them to change her dress "Yeah put the plates on the me after changing her dress", Vish and Kuhu go wake her up, help her wash her face and then change her dress after a lot of whining and arguing from her, and call him back once they complete changing her dress. Vish and Kuhu look at him "Bhai how did you handle her...she didn't listen to one word which we were saying", he chuckles "You both ran away seeing her...did I have a choice...", they both look here and there "Uhhh she was ummm..", he smiles "Yeah I know...Okay now go and rest...I'll take care of her", they both nod and leave from there.

Mahir goes inside the room, she was not there in the room, he checks the balcony and sees her trying to count the stars, okay she is just counting the stars...I'm hoping she will be peaceful like this and not turn into a seductress again...else that will lead me to take another cold shower that too in the middle of the night. He goes near her and stands next to her "Bela", she looks at him and puts a finger on her lips "Shhh..don disuuubbb", she again startes counting "one two theee fouu...", Mahir shakes his head and again calls her "Bela come and eat then you can count the stars", she turns to him again glaring and puts her finger on his lips "Shhhh...wai Mahiil jiii...don dis....disuubb", he shakes his head and again lifts her in his arms and takes her back to the room. She keeps protesting and hitting on his chest with her soft baby hands "Mahilll jiii" but he doesn't listen, he makes her sit on the couch and he also sits next to her.

He takes a plate and starts feeding her while she keeps staring at him. Everytime it would be Mahir staring at Bela and she getting nervous and shy with his gaze, but now for the first time Mahir was getting nervous with Bela's gaze. She leans into his chest and starts playing with the hem of his t-shirt, he smiles looking at her and she completes her food. Bela sees Mahir's plate still untouched, she looks at him "Mahill jiii you eashh", he shakes his head, she starts feeding him and he eats from her hand happily. After having food she runs to the balcony, Mahir shakes his head smiling, here I was thinking she has became calm. Mahir goes behind her to the balcony, she was again trying to count the stars, she would miss count after ten and huff and start again, the same was repeated for two times after which Mahir smiled and volunteered to help her. Mahir was counting the stars while she was again got busy staring at him, the moonlight falling on his face enhancing his features, his dark brown eyes were shining in the moonlight, his light stubble and chiseled jawline was making her want to run her hand over. Mahir was trying to concentrate on the stars but with her continuous gaze he was getting distracted and nervous, he gulps and tries hard to concentrate but to no use.

She moved closer to him, he was registering her moves but did not turn to her side, he was stepping away with every step she took towards him, oh god please help me...I don't want to take a cold shower again...never am I ever letting her drink's too dangerous for me😳. He keeps stepping back and his leg hits on the couch there and he falls on it, she sits on his lap again, he gulps as she runs her hand over his stubble and then her hands rest on his chest "Mahilll jiii kisshhh mee na" saying this she was pouting, when he doesn't make any move her pout deepens "You don like me" saying this she snuggles into his chest. He makes her look at him and cups her cheeks "Who told you that I don't like you know what you mean to are not in your senses right now baby... you won't remember anything tomorrow morning...I don't want anything to happen which you might regret tomorrow...I won't be able to take that...I'll kiss you only when you are completely in your senses...I have been yearning to do that for so long...but now you need to sleep", he smiles and leaves a little kiss on her cheek. She smiles and snuggles into his chest, she drifts into sleep listening to his heartbeat.

Mahir takes her inside the room and puts her on the bed, he looks at her smiling, "things you did today Bela...godd!! I'll never be able to forget look at you sleeping like a baby...nobody would believe me even if I told them that this baby face almost robbed me off my sanity with her sexy moves...drunk Bela is too much of a danger...well I'm going to have my piece of fun tomorrow...I'll see what you do then", he smiles and goes to the couch and lies down, he too drifts into sleep looking at Bela.

That's all for now guys
Hope you enjoyed drunk Bela😉
Happy Reading💙
Yours lovingly

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