Chapter 25

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A month had passed, Bela and Mahir were becoming closer than ever, Mahir loved teasing her especially because of the way she would respond to his teasing. Their family could see their rapidly changing dynamics after the confession. Mahir would always keep finding excuses to stay with Bela, during the breakfast he would be busy staring at Bela while the others would be engrossed in their talks. They would get caught at times by one or the other family members when Mahir tries his antics with her in the parking or in the kitchen. Bela was too busy these days with so many celebrations were approaching that they both were not able to spend time eachother. It's their Chacha and Chachi's 25th anniversary in the next 2 days, then Mahir's birthday after a week after that and Mayra's birthday a week after that.

Everyone was preparing for Rohini and Alok's 25th anniversary, Vish and Ajitabh were also at Sehgal Mansion helping with the preparations. Alok had a meeting in Goa and they had sent Rohini also with him so that they can prepare for their surprise. Vish had heard from her Maa, Chachi and Kuhu all about Mahir's change during their calls but now she was actually seeing it while staying at home. Mahir had become carefree, teasing everyone like before most importantly teasing Bela and admiring her reactions, she could also see him always wanting to be around Bela. She was happy for her brother and also happy that the reason for his happiness is her best friend. As Sumi was busy making calls to send out invitations, Bela was working in the kitchen making lunch when Vish goes and hugs her tightly "Thank you thank you thank you so much Bela", Bela was startled but then hugs her back still confused "Arre Vish what happened", Vish smiles "Thank you for bringing my old bhai back", Bela smiles "I didn't do anything Vishi", Vish pulls out of the hug "You only did something did magic on bhai and brought back the old's all because of you...I was literally dying to see his old carefree and fun self and all thanks to you it's happening now", Bela smiles and they both continue to make lunch.

Mahir was in the study with his dad attending a meeting, just then Bela comes in with coffee for the two of them, she looks at Mahir and puts down his coffee mug next to him and Andy's coffee mug next to him and leaves from the study. Mahir's eyes keep looking at Bela from when she enters to the study till she leaves from there, just as Bela leaves from the study Andy clears his throat looking at Mahir amused, Mahir looks away from the door embarassed. Once the meeting is over Mahir was about to go to his room when Andy stops him "Mahir", Mahir looks at him "Yes dad", Andy looks at Mahir "You are happy with Bela right son", Mahir smiles "Yes dad...probably the happiest I have been in my life...thank you for bringing Bela into my life dad", Andy hugs him "I'm happy that both my son and daughter are happy with their marriage" Mahir smiles and hugs him back.

Mahir goes back to his room after talking to his dad and waits for Bela to come so that he can spend some time with her before Mayra comes. Though it was the weekend with all the preparations in hand Mahir and Bela couldn't visit Mayra, and since Mayra had been crying for her Belu and Mahi they thought of bringing Mayra to Sehgal Mansion instead. Mahir knew once Mayra is here all of Bela's attention would go only to her, sometimes he used to even get jealous because Mayra would get Bela's attention and not him. After waiting for 30 minutes, he goes down to the living room to check for Bela, she was with Sumi writing down something while Vish and Sumi were making calls. Mahir goes near them "Bela I can't find my file in the room", Bela looks at him "Mahir ji all your files are in the bedside drawer", Mahir signs her indicating her to come with him while Bela just shakes her head "I can't find it there Bela...come help me", Sumi and Vish chuckle to themselves looking at Mahir. Sumi then makes a serious face and looks at Mahir "Mahir can't you see she is busy Beta...go and search for the file by yourself", Mahir looks at his Maa "Maa it's really important...I need it right now...Vish will help you I'm taking Bela with me", Mahir takes Bela's hand and takes her from there not hearing to her protests while Sumi and Vish chuckle looking at them.

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