Chapter 34

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As the morning comes in the sun shines bright, the sun rays directly fall of Mahir and Bela as they had slept in the balcony, Bela was snuggled in his chest sleeping like a baby while his hands were holding her. The sunlight falling on them disturbs their sleep, Bela tries to cuddle more into him trying to avoid the sunlight, Mahir had no escape the sun rays fall directly on his face waking him up. He open his eyes without any choice, the sun shines brightly blinding him, as soon as his eyes adjust to the light he looks around and then finds Bela snuggled up into him like a baby, indeed a happy birthday, he thinks and he smiles.

She keeps trying to avoid the sunlight pressing herself close to him, it was giving him all the wrong signals, better take her inside the room Mahir...else you would end up taking a cold shower early in the morning, he lifts her in his arms and takes her inside the room and makes her lie down on the bed. He also lies down next her pulling her into his embrace, he keeps looking at her, you were in love with me for so long baby yet you never said anything... How stupid was I to not notice that.. I was so much in my own world that I never noticed you nor did I notice that I was breaking your little heart... But now it's only you❤️... I'm glad I said yes to dad to get married.. if not I would not have got you. He places a soft kiss on her forehead and drifts into sleep again.

They both wake up late into the morning, Bela opens her eyes and finds Mahir already looking at her, she looks elsewhere blushing and was about to get up but Mahir pulls her back "Ma...Ma...Mahir ji la...let me go", he keeps staring at her "Umm I don't feel like it... And anyway it's my birthday right you have to listen me right.. first I want my morning kiss... then I want this little strawberry..." He says looking at her lips. She looks at him shocked "Ma..Mahir ji it's la...late Maa wo.. would be wai.. waiting", he starts digging into her neck "Hmmm", she freezes and her breath hitches and her heart thumps hard in her chest with his act. He starts leaving soft kisses over her nape, she tries to form words but all that comes out is a muffled moan. Her response drives him mad, he keeps digging deeper leaving wet kisses from her nape to her jawline..he then then kissed her sucking on her lips she was also responding with equal fevour, they were drifting into their own world.. just then they hear a knock on the door.

Mahir was in no mood to stop, Bela tries stopping him "Ma...Mahir ji do...or" she tries to say in between the kisses, her thoughts also keep jumbling up again when Mahir makes no attempt to let go of her, the knocking continues, finally bringing her thoughts together she pushes him and stops him. "Fuckk!!", He mumbles to himself, He looks elsewhere "You go and open the door Bela.. umm I need to go..", she looks at him confused "Why can't you go open the door", he looks at her "I can't go baby.. I badly need to go shower right now..". Realisation dawns upon her she looks away blushing and mumbles a small 'Okay'.

Mahir goes to take a shower while Bela goes to open the door and finds Vish outside "Vishi", she smiles and hugs her. Vish looks at her "You both were till sleeping now", Bela looks here and there "Yes we slept late", Vish looks at her smiling teasingly "Ohhoooo", Bela blushes looking elsewhere "Umm nothing like you are thinking Vish", Vish looks at her "then why are you blushing babes", Bela looks down "No Vish". Vish shakes her head smiling "Accha where is bhai", "He has gone to take a shower", "Okay fine...come fast both of you" Vish says winking and leaves.

Soon Mahir comes out after having a shower, he comes out in a towel as he had forgotten to take the bathrobe, droplets of water were still there on his body, he was wiping his hair with another towel, Bela gets shocked seeing him, oh my.. so hot!! Sexy!!... umm no Bela don't stare.. don't drool.. woah!..umm yeah just for a few seconds... Look away right now Bela... Umm ye..yeah ja..just a second..uff his abs can I touch them.. no you stupid girl turn away right now, Mahir looks at Bela who was busy staring and drooling over him, only at times like this she looks at me as if she will eat me up right now. He looks at her smiling "Done with staring and drooling baby", coming to her senses she turns around "umm... No I...I wa... wasn't", she suddenly feels his breath fanning on her ears "Sure you weren't baby" he whispers huskily, she turns around only to find him right in front of her, she gulps looking at him and runs off into the bathroom before he could catch her.

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