Part 1

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"Problem, problem, problem, the problem is you!" Johnny sung into the microphone. He stared at the crowd. As the song finished, he looked over at Sid. Johnny felt butterflies in his stomach. He had always had a crush on Sid, and no matter how many girls he dated, it never seemed to go away. But he would never admit that, because he was worried he might lose his best friend. Johnny sighed and walked off stage. The others followed. 

As the four of them went backstage, Johnny heard a voice say, "Hi Johnny" He groaned and turned around. It was that annoying groupie who hung around, what was her name again?  Nancy. She had been following the Sex Pistols for a while now, trying to get Johnny to fuck her. Johnny glared at her. "Fuck off" he told her angrily. She rolled her eyes and walked away. He sat down and noticed one of the roadies, Natalie, looking at Nancy with a slight blush on her face. Johnny raised an eyebrow. He would have to ask her about that later. 

He went to the sofa and sat down and got a blunt from Sid when he offered him one . He blew the smoke from his mouth and was about to say something when the door nearly flew off it's hinges, scaring everyone and Sid and Johnny started to choke on the smoke. Steve came in, "Does he always have to have dramatic entrance, doesn't he know how to walk in like a normal person?" Johnny though as Paul trailed in after Steve, looking sheepish and nervous. "Wonder what that twat did now?" he thought. They came to the sofa near him and Steve sat in Paul's lap, surprising everyone. 

Steve wrapped a protective arm around Paul and glared at them his eyes saying Go ahead, say something, I dare you! No one said anything for a while, processing the new information. 

 "So you guys more than mates now? " Sid asked, breaking the silence. Johnny slapped his shoulder and glared at him saying  "Well obviously, you dimwit!" "Well I was just asking!" Sid retorted back. Johnny glared at him then turned his head when Sid glared back at him, sticking his tongue out. Johnny got the butterflies in his stomach again and got up to get away from Sid, not in a bad way of course. He just couldn't be around him right now without panicking and blushing. Then everyone would know about his crush. 

Johnny decided to talk to Natalie. She was sitting in the corner, reading a book. "Hey Nat" said Johnny. She glanced up. "Hey John" she replied. "So, I saw you looking at Nancy earlier , want to talk about that ? " she looked shocked at the fact that he saw that. "I maybe  have a crush on her, but don't tell anyone, please!" she said looking at Johnny with pleading eyes. Johnny sighed internally knowing he was going to have to tell her about a certain someone he likes. "Here's the deal, I tell you something and you don't tell, and them I won't tell your's either. Okay?" She looked at him for a moment and then nodded . "What is it?" she asked 

"I have eyes for a certain someone too." Johnny said, she looked surprised for a moment and then a mischievous grin formed on her face. Johnny groaned, knowing what was coming.  

" Who is it, tell me, tell me, tell me!" she said squealing like the fangirl she was. 

Johnny mumbled something with a face that could rival his hair . "What was that?" Natalie asked.

"I said it was Sid" he said with a even redder face.She was shocked into silence and then the silence was broken with a squeal . 

 Oh shit, here we go Johnny thought as chaos started.

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