Scene 5: Diane Lockhart and Peter Florrick's conversation.

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By the way, Diane is wearing a buttoned up blouse and a blazer with black knitted skirt, and flats.

It's 11 pm, Diane is really not working. Diane is just remembering what happened between her and Peter last night. Diane is still at Florrick/Agos & Lockhart just in her office. In a few seconds, her phone buzzed, she received a text from Peter Florrick. Peter likes Diane soo much. Peter still doesn't know how to tell Diane how he feels about her. 

Peter: Hi Diane, it's Peter. Are you busy? (He send it to Diane)

Diane: Hi Peter, I'm not really busy. What's wrong? (She replied)

Peter: Can I call you on your phone? (He send it to Diane)

Diane: Sure. (She replied back)

So, Peter dialed Diane's number.

Diane answers her phone.

Diane: Hello, Peter.

Peter: Hi Diane. How are you? (Peter is happy to hear Diane's voice) 

Diane: I'm good. What's up?

Peter: I'm good too.

Diane: Okay. What do you want to talk about? Is it about work?

Peter: It's not really about work related.

Diane: Okay then. What is it? (Diane is a little bit curious)

Peter: Can you do me a favour, Diane? (Peter is nervous to tell Diane)

Diane: Sure. What is it?

Peter: What I'm going to tell you might change our relationship when it comes to work.

Diane: Okay? I don't know what you're talking about. (Diane doesn't have a clue what Peter is telling her)

Peter: Okay here it goes.

Diane: Okay.

Peter: I like you Diane Lockhart. I really like you. No, change what I said "I love you Diane Lockhart soo much".

Diane was speechless for few seconds. Diane is still adjusting to what Peter said. 

Peter: Diane? Are you still there?

Diane: Yeah.

Peter: Did you hear what I said?

Diane: Yeah. I heard.

Peter: Diane?

Diane: Yeah?

Peter: If you have nothing to do at the office right now, come to my apartment and I will show you what I'm trying to tell you.

Diane: Sure. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Peter: Okay. See you soon. Bye Diane.

Diane: Bye.

Peter: I will be waiting for you at the lobby.

Diane: Okay.

- call ended -

Diane hang up the phone. She gathered all of her stuff put on her jacket and grab her bag. In a few seconds, she stopped for a while thinking if she should go to Peter's apartment and she continue walking to the elevator and head out to the parking lot and in a few minutes she arrived at Peter's apartment. She looked outside the window and she sees Peter waiting for her.

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