Scene 3: Diane and Peter on a lunch date together.

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It's 1 pm, Peter and Diane just arrived at the restaurant. It took them a long time to arrived because of traffics. Peter park the car, once the car is parked. He turned off the engine and unbuckle his seat belt. So, Peter got out off the car close the door and he went on Diane's side, she unbuckle her seat belt and Diane got out off the car. Peter ask Diane a question again... 

Peter: Are you ready to go in? 

Diane: Yeah. Can you just hold my hand? 

Peter: Sure. Okay. 

Peter hold Diane's hand for her to calm down and she did calm down. So, they walked to the restaurant while Peter is holding Diane's hand to calm her anxiety. 

Author's Note: There are reasons why Diane's anxiety is at the top. Firstly, she is nervous because maybe some people might recognize her having a lunch date with the Governor of Illinois. Secondly, Diane and Peter are holding hands, people might think that there is something going on between them like, Peter is having an affair with Diane Lockhart, one of the senior partners at Lockhart/Gardner & Associates. Those are some reasons that Diane's anxiety is at the top when he started to hang out with Peter. 

Peter: Here we go. 

Diane: Yeah. 

In 5 minutes, they arrived at the restaurant. Peter opened the door for Diane and she entered the restaurant then Peter went in the restaurant. They both went in the restaurant still holding hands. When they reached the waitress, they let go. 

Waitress: Hi Sir, Ma'am. Do you have a reservation today? 

Peter: Yeah, we do. 

Waitress: What is your name? 

Peter: Peter Florrick! 

The waitress looked at the list and she saw the name "Florrick." 

Waitress: Here it is. Peter Florrick, table for 2. 

Peter: Yeah. 

Waitress: Right here, Sir, Ma'am. 

Peter: Thank you. 

The waitress lead Diane and Peter at their table. 

BTW: The setting is there table is at a private room with a candle lit and a rose in a vase beside it. 

Waitress: Here is your table, Sir. 

Peter: Thank you.

Peter assist Diane sitting down and put the napkin on her lap. 

Diane: Thank you, Peter. (She said it with a smile) 

Then, it's Peter, he sat down and take his napkin and put it on his lap. 

Peter: How do you like our table? 

Diane: I like it. It looks romantic. 

Peter: I know. I picked this table, just for the two of us. So, we can have our own privacy. 

Diane: Oh, okay. Why? 

Peter: I don't really know. 

Diane: Okay. 

The waiter arrived at their table and he has a bottle of red wine. 

Waiter: Hello, sir, ma'am. My name is James and I will be your waiter. Wine? 

Diane: Yes, please. Thank you 

Peter: Yeah. Thank you. 

Waiter: You're welcome. 

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