Escape - 10

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"Willow- you don't need to strain yourself. We can find her ok?" Clem told me. "No, no I am fine really. Plus its fresh in my mind so I wanna tell you all. It also might help you find her." I looked at Elanor for support. Elanor widened her eyes at my glance and came to my defense. "Its ok Clementine, she's doing ok now. Her physical health needs some work but mentally she should be fine." I thank Elanor as Clem nodded to her and then turned her attention to me. 

"So last night, I saw a picture. And it confirmed that the women was her mom. Of course we already knew that, but the man in the picture, he had backstory. I don't know what kind, but Iris really indicated that he had something to do with this whole thing. I think he may have been an abuser of some kind to her, and maybe her mom?" They all looked at each other, giving silent gestors. "Its not a far stretch, she had a picture of him with her, with a profanity scribbled over him. He's most likely still in the diamonds group, since she was from there and targeted one of the caravans." 

"It's someone in her family, and probably her dad. Tripp did say he was apart of the diamonds group, and the guy in the picture is blonde so?" -- "I spoke with Tripp, he told me that Karter and him were talking that night. After Iris's mom's disappearance. Karter had told him about his missing girlfriend only to find a note in her handwriting that said 'I wan't to start a new life, a new home, and a new me. I love you, Karter. Take care of Iris for me, I love you. I left my amethyst crystal for anyone of you, use it, cherish it with good energy.' Karter was broken for years after that. So was Iris, and then one day she had just ran away." Louis stated. Clementine turned to him. "When was this? Why didn't you tell me?" Louis threw his hands up in defensive, "I had just heard. Tripp and him are good friends, he was waiting for his permission to tell me." 

Bullshit. There was no way he was innocent in this, it was to weird. The way she spoke of a man in such a vulgar language, the scribbled profanity on his photo, the targeted group, it was all connected. "I believe Willow." Clementine stated, as she she got up with her crutches, Louis rushed over the help her as well. "I know a thing or two about people faking there innocence, so does Javi." Clementine then turned to Javi, they both nodded in agreement. "Guess we got a guy to meet." Clem said as she starts to get out her walkie-talkie. "I don't have to come right? I can't see Tripp, its to awkward-"  Clementine cut her off, "-Ever since you guys broke up for like what, the 50th time by now? No, you're not coming. You're gonna watch and take care of Willow." Clementine was quite bitter towards Elanor, I guess that makes sense considering how Elanor once betrayed the group. "Wait, what? I should be coming with!" I shout. "No sweetpea, it's too dangerous in your condition, plus, who knows what she might come at you with next out there." Louis told me, as sweetly as he could. I wasn't having it.  "No! No, it's not fair, I am the one who told you guys all the information! And I know her best. So you have to let me go." Louis sighed and shook his head. "Listen, we have to talk him, get him into safety and then get Iris. I promise you, we will let you talk to her before she goes into trial. But you can't come." I scoffed and folded my arms like a child. "This is so stupid." I mutter. "Iris knows me, and you think a bunch of adults coming up to her isn't going to be dangerous?!" I shouted. I could see Clementine getting more upset as I spoke. "Willow, you don't know her-" I cut her off. "Yes I do!"--"No, you don't Willow."--"How would you know?!" I shouted "It's not like you came here with me, you sent me on my jolly way over to a crazy person! I got to know her better then any of you!" I shouted. "Yea? Well your little friend almost killed you. I am not letting her get a second chance Willow." Clementine's voice was stern. I slouched back down into my hospital bed. "You're staying here with Elanor. You got that?" I looked to my mom with low eyes, knowing she wasn't playing around about this. "Yes mam." I say. 

They all exit the tent, and before the tent shuts, I see them talking with a few guards, probably trying to get more information out of them. I throw my head back in irritation. "Don't be upset girl, you're gonna be ok in a few hours." Elanor told me. My eyes widen and I quickly lunge my body forward. "Jesus, stay down Willow, you're gonna stress your muscles." Elanor placed me back down gently. "No, Elanor listen, you have to break me out of here. Tonight." Elanor widened her eyes at me. "Huh, you really are just like your mom." I sighed. "I get that a lot, but I am not like her. I'm a dumb kid who's weak. But now, I can show everyone how strong I can be. With your help Elanor!" Elanor folded her arms. "Not happening, I'm sorry. And Willow, please you're not weak, you're just a kid." -- "Mom was just a kid, and she fought an entire war here!" Elanor pinched in between her brows, now irritated. "Willow she was broken!" She shouted. I reply with more emotion. "Yea?! Well I'm gonna be broken if they hurt or kill Iris! Then I will really be just like her!" My anger had just blew over the top, and then I started to cry. I was going through a lot. Elanor went quiet, then she grabbed a chair to sit next to me. 

"Why are you defending her so much Willow, I understand a little crush but she almost killed you. You have a broken nose, and a damaged rib." Elanor asked with a quiet tone. I composed myself and answered. "Because its obvious Iris has a reason. Its obvious this guy who is probably her dad did something. Something really bad and she needs revenge. If we just get those two, and we all talk to each other, we might actually get real justice." Elanor sighed, "Willow, murder comes with consequences. It doesn't matter the reason, it was an entire caravan group, they were all innocent-" I cut her off. "Were they? Seems to me that place is crawling with fake people."--"Willow, don't talk about the victims that way!" I look to Elanor with a stern expression. "Justice won't be served if we don't put the abusers in check. This shit will keep happening Elanor. So, are you going to help me escape, or are you gonna be responsible for letting this abusive father get away?" Elanor looked down, contemplating. 

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