The Odd Traveler | pt 1.

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Talia rushed to the side of the stranger who collapsed in the doorway of the tavern, and immediately started to enchant healing runes and spells all over their body. "Bring them up to a room. Straight after that get to bed. You can look after the wounds in the morning. It's late, Talia." Her mother's cool tone soothed Talia's nerves. She enchanted the body to float and guided it to a room, her mother following close behind. As soon as the body was set down on the bed, Talia was rushed out of the room, and the door was locked. She sighed as she headed to her room, locking the door, and letting the rune go. She let her hair down and settled into bed. Letting her head run empty and eyes closing.

Let's hope there would be no dreams tonight....

Luckily enough, the night was peaceful and dream-less. Talia did not wake up to the sound of the magical alarm, but rather her mother gently shaking her awake. "You don't have to come help with the tavern today, but instead I would like you to tend to the injured man that showed up last night, okay?" Talia nodded sleepily. Her mother walked out of the room and started talking to a patron down in the main lobby. She got ready as she normally did, dressing up in her blue dress and activating the disguise rune.  She walked out of her room and walked to the door were they put the injured traveler. She breathed in, and walked in the door.

The room was quite big, it was one of their deluxe rooms. In the back corner on a counter next to a window was a bowl with a rag hanging on the side. In the middle of the bed laid the stranger. Now that the hood was off and there was good light, Talia could see his features. His hair was a very dark brown that almost looked black, and the face was covered in scars. One long one across the nose, and a few smaller ones on the cheek. The coat and any undergarments were taken off to be cleaned and repaired, then hung on the back of the door along with any weapons or bags he had, so instead bandages covered his chest. A few spots of blood bloomed from somewhere under the bandage, but they would heal in time. Talia walked past the bed and to the bowl of enchanted healing solution. In it were varying mixtures of herbs, medicine, and spells. On the bowl and rag itself were each runes of healing. She picked up the rag and dipped it into the bowl, rung it out, and turned to the stranger...but...

He...was gone...

Talia's head whipped around the room, but there was no sign of him..she started to job towards the door and open it, before feeling a hand on her arm. Before she could even react, she was tugged and then the stranger who was laying on the bed a few moments before was now standing, holding Talia by the throat up against the wall, and VERY much awake.

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