Why we watch The Lion Guard

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So as always I have been browsing the community, because I was bored and I wanted to take a break from everything I have been working on. When I saw someone making the same complaints that other have made about the Lion guard. Along with a few other decent points about it. 

And although I don't really know much how the show ruins the continuity aside from a few errors, and at this point i'm too afraid to ask, it got me thinking, how is this show supposed to be enjoyed?

So naturally I looked to Power Rangers for the answer. Speciffically the Disney Era. Now granted the show bears a bit more similaraties with the more recent ranger seasons, especially in terms of dialogue, however there was one season that stuck out.

Ninja Storm

Yous see Ninja Storm isnt as smartly written in terms of story as the other Disney-made seasons. There are chances where the writters could have taken the chance to go deep into character development and examination, but they didn't. And normally a formula like this wouldn't work and would have made the show terrible, but it wasnt.

The main story of Ninja Storm is the characters. They are meant to be the story. This season overall is meant to just be enjoyd as it is. We are given a cast of fun characters and we see the adventures they go on, how they interact with each other, and just have a fun time.

And I figured that this could also apply to the Lion Guard. We are given a cast of fun characters, we see them grow and bond as a team, and we have fun seeing them go on their adventures. The first two seasosn didn't have an overarching story that built up to a finale, because the characters are the story. Sure we get some development with each of the characters that made the show better, such as Fuli learning to work with her team better, or Rani overcoming the anxiety she got from losing most of her family, but those were small moments over the course of the entire show. Sure some characters might come off as overbearing such as Bunga, but its just meant to be a fun adventure. 

Although I would have liked for the show to be a bit more darker, have better character development, better music score, and no fart jokes, there is only so much that Disney Jr would have allowed. And I applaud the writters for doing what they could with the limits they had (except the opening theme song, Power Rangers wipes the floor with you guys). 

So really the overall purpose of watching the Lion guard is to just, have fun and go along with it. 

Be sure to send this to every Lion guard hater and if they dont comply, date their mom, girlfreind, and sister to get back at them, and say it's just a troll when you are arrested LOL bye!

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