y/n fixes broken boy reo mikage

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please listen to the song to achieve the emotional affect!!!!

reo mikage x reader uwuuu

i wake up in the morning, very exhuaseted from my little night of sleep that i got since im nnot like other girls that get healthy amounts of sleep. i tie my brown hair into a messy bun and throw on a white t shirt and jeans with no make up because im not like those fake bitches who wear the pounds of makeup. i realizse that i am 30 minutes late to school!!! silly me, i get a piece of bread and make it into toast and start running to school with the toast inside my mouth.

i huff and puff because i am a lazy un athletic girl who does not do running so i am slow and bad. maybe i should just turn back and go home.... i get lost into my own thought and accidentally run into a someone. my 2'5 body gets blown away by a the 6'1 man

"w-watch where you're going...." i hear a monotone voice come from above.

i look up at the man and he is STUNNING he had all white top, all white belt, and all white jeans. his body looked like milk. he looked like he didnt have time for games since he was full grown. he had beautiful silky Suave Men Daily Clean Ocean Breeze Charge Cleansing Conditioning Nourishing Replenishing Fortifying Relaxing Relieving Calming Refreshing Amusing Astonishing Pleasing Soothing Suprising Thrilling Charming Comforting Shampoo scented purple hair that was tied back in a little ponytail. wowwwww i wanted him to shove his delicate lips onto mine so badly. he was also really emo and depressed but its okay because i know i can fix him.

"i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i--ii-i-i-i-i--i-ii-i-i-i-i--i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ii-ii-i-i-i-ii-i-i-i-i--i-i-ii--i-ii--i-i-i-i-i-i-ii-i-i-i-i-i-i w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w--w-w--w-w-w-w-ww-w--w-w-w-w-w--w-w-w-w-w--w-w-w-w-wow....... -y-y-y-y-y--y--y-y-y-y-y--y-y--y-y-y-y-y--yy-y-y-y-y--y-yyoure gorgeous..."

he gasped at my words

"y-you really think so??? to tell you the truth, my boyfriend nagi seishiro just broke up with me last night. he said that isagi was hotter and isagi played soccer better htnag me.... he also told me to kill myself and rot in h e doouble hockey sticks and to get hate crimed because i am a gay person even though he is too." he said with a small frown.

"o-oh.... wow.. thats reallyy sad. but i can fixyou... he never eveerrr loved you... so yopu deserve a lot better... like me.... this isnt the you we all know and love.... tyou are better than mr nagi seishiro..." i said warmky. his purple blue green red orange yellow maroon white black orange orbs looked into my brown yellow black green purple eyes. "you're actually really hot.. what is your name????" i asked him after our brief intense staring coneetst

"o..oh my name is reo mikage...."

that name made me jjunp OMG IS HE THE RICH BOY FROM THE COMPAH Y?????? i just got myself a really hto rich emo boyfriend! wowwwwwww!

"y-y/n...... you really make my heart jump.... do ou want to go on a date later uwu xd...." reo spoke ina soft whisper just loud enough for me to hear

"wow... of course i wanr t to my gorgeou boyfriend! i am so glad i fixed ou from your heartbreka XD"

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