Cute Bachisagi HCs!

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please listen to the song to achieve the emotional affect!!

Hi guys,,,! UwU I will be writing headcanons... I am kinda nervous 😂😂

- Whenever Bachira is nervous, Isagi holds his hand and uses all his strength to rip his arm off in one clean piece. While Bachira is screaming out of pain, Isagi transitions to the other arm to do the same thing.

- Bachira has to hold in his breath around Isagi because he smells like piss.

- When Isagi is crying, Bachira runs his fingers through Isagis hair to cheer him up with the snowstorm of dandruff that falls out.

- Isagi's hands are so sweaty and oily that whenever puts his hands on Bachira's cheeks to caress his face, Bachira gets bad acne breakouts after.

- Bachira has walked in on Isagi and Rin kissing many many times.

- Bachira cries in his room when Isagi is away because he thinks he can't stand being with someone so ugly, stinky, and stupid any longer. 

- When Isagi and Bachira are separated, they like to call each other frequently so they aren't lonely while the other ones away. However, Isagi has McDonalds wifi and the only thing Bachira can hear is "H🤖BA🤖IMSYO🤖"

- Isagi likes to doubt himself in front of Bachira for his approval, only for Bachira to respond back agreeing.

- Bachira likes to point out how the two of them are "matching" a lot since Bachira has yellow hair and Isagi has yellow teeth.

That's all I can come up with right now!! XD What are your favorite head canons for them??

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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