C19: Introduction to WayV

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I stared blank faced at the person in front of me. "Oh wait", the man said. "Are you Maggie?"

"Um, Yeah?"

"Ok, Taeyong told me about you a little while ago. What are you doing in my room?"

"Your roo-Oh! You're Kun right?"


"Well, Johnny and Ten said I could stay in here since the other rooms were occupied"

"Of course Ten would say that", Kun said behind his breath.

"Does that mean the rest of WayV is here?"

"Yeah, all of them are downstairs." I headed my way downstairs hearing the noise getting louder. As I reached the final step, a guy ran up to me with a big smile on his face.

"HIIIIIII!!!! You must be Maggie right?! I've heard a lot about you!"

"Yeahhhh. And you must be....."

"I'm Hendery." He shook my hand with a lot of energy.

"Alright Hendery, calm down" said Kun. "Maggie, you can talk to them now but I just want to inform you that the one with silver hair is YangYang and the one with dark brown hair over there is Xiaojun. I'm not sure where WinWin went off to but I'm positive it was somewhere where the boys can't bother him."

Another guy came out of the hallway on his phone.

"WINWIN!!!!!" Everyone ran towards him asking him questions, hugging him, and complimenting him. "Can yall give me some space"

No one heard him.

He looked over at me and shuffled his way through to get to me. "So you're Maggie. It's nice to meet you" We both shook hands. "Nice to meet you too"

"You seem pretty chill. I think I found my favorite in the gang", he said.

"WHAT?!", everyone shouted.

"Ha that's nice", I said.

YangYang came up to me acting like a reporter. "So, how's it like being the favorite? Thoughts? Comments?"

"Hmmm, I guess I'm the best around here"

"Don't push it", said Johnny.

I talked to Kun some more and he said I could stay in the room. He would just use the storage room(what a king). The rest of the night we hung out, some of the boys bringing out alcohol. We did some Just Dance, Charades, Pictonary, and Mario Kart. I really wished the next days that followed were as peaceful as that one.

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