.:|Chapter 2 - The Monster Inside|:.

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⚠️ Slight non-con but nothing explicit

Germany's pov.

The line went dead. I was sitting up in my new room Soviet cleared out for me. Who did he have? Who was he going to hurt? I held my phone tightly but my hands began to shake. This is Poland all over again, only this time I know when the torture starts.
"Shit-" I gasp out as I throw the covers off of my legs and push myself out of the bed. I have no idea what he is planning or who he decided was an appropriate target but I don't want to find out through a news article. I could save them, something I should have done with Poland.

I pull a winter coat over my wool pyjamas, Soviet gave it to me after a few days of living here. He said it was so I didn't freeze to death, which I'm thankful for. I slide my boots on and step into the hallway, it's late, around 1am. I could hear rustling from Ukraine's room, was he still up? I quietly knocked on his door and for a minute stood there wondering if he even hear my knocks. Were they too soft? Too loud? Was he ignoring me-? He opened the door, his hoodie dishevelled and his eyes tired, headphones still hung loosely around his neck.
"You good man? Or you just wanting to stare?" He said coldly, now that I think of it I only heard Ukraine up, I don't need him. I awkwardly rub the back of my neck and nod before opening my dry mouth.

"Uh...  Do- do you want to go for a drive?" I mutter softly, it was late and the rest of the house was finally quiet. I had never seen a man struggle with his own kids as badly as Soviet did with bedtimes, it was all over the place. Russia went to bed at 8:30ish, Belarus (The youngest!) went to bed at 11:00, Ukraine doesn't sleep until he passes out, Latvia and Estonia fell asleep at 9:30ish and Lithuania went to bed at 11:25. It was honestly chaos but refreshing chaos.
"Yuh we can go for a drive, got any places in mind?" Ukraine nodded and grabbed his keys off his dresser, I did have my own car but Soviet said I was to be watched most of the time just in case Poland wasn't an accident. I could hear heavy metal come through his headphones as we walked downstairs together, he also had this thick musk smell radiating off of him.

Ukraine opened his door to his small beetle and I jumped in on the other side. The seats had those fur covers on them and a smelly jellybean hung from the mirror, one could confuse the car for that of a teenagers.
"So, where we heading at 01:30 am?" Ukraine asked politely, but it was clear he was ticked off.
"I just wanted to visit the place they found..." I couldn't even bring myself to say his name, was I that weak? "J-Just in case they missed anything." I finally force out. Ukraine looks at me for a moment before silently starting up the car and driving to the area. Neither of us spoke a word.

I crawled out of the car and into the snow covered forest. I knew where Poland was found all those months ago, I didn't care if Ukraine was following me at this point. Why was I here? I didn't even know if Reich was here, I just hoped he had left a clue for me to follow. The area was still how I remembered it, yellow tape around with police signs saying to be careful around here. I looked around for awhile, there was nothing out of the ordinary other then a broken flashlight. I sighed, maybe there wasn't clues after all- what's that? I walk over to a bright red maple leaf laying down in the snow.
"How did you get here, this is a pine forest." I whispered softly, mainly to myself.

A few metres away from it was another, almost like a trail, almost like a clue. I follow the red leaves until it comes up to the cliff face, deep caves carved into the side. If I wasn't looking for the victim of my grandfather's killings I would stop to awe at the sight of such beautiful nature. I followed the leaves up until I ran into a cave with bear traps at the opening. Was Reich inside? Who did he have? Was I too late?
"Ah, grandson. Come in, we don't have long now." I hear Reich say from the darkness, he lights a match and lets the flame spread to a candle.

Canada's pov.

I had my head against a pillow as I let breath escape my lips. My leg was in complete agony, I could feel the blood trying to rush out and onto the sheets. Reich doesn't care if I bleed or not, I have asked many times if I could get my wounds cleaned. He always just laughs and tells me 'why heal a dead man?'
"Ah- Fuck-" I gasp out, random muscles contracting and twitching. Tears pour from my eyes and I curl up in to a little ball on the bed. Despite it being a cave there was a decent amount of furniture around, including my bed. I was going to die here, I was going to die here and never be found.

I could hear Reich talking to some one, maybe they could help me? Or were they foe? My shaking increased and my breathing got sporadic, I was so scared. My hands were forced together by iron wire that dug into my wrists but he still pulled me around by them, he'd laugh if I cried out. Tears began to float my cheeks as I remember what he did my second night here.

.:|Time Reverse/Flashback|:.

My mouth was forced open with a thick metal ring tightly strapped around my head. Every single sound I could make came out as a pathetic moan or whimper. He forced me onto my knees and used me like a ragdoll. I felt like I was about to pass out but thankfully he let me drop into a bowing position.
"What a little whore, you'd open your legs for everyone behind you if you could." Reich's voice echoed throughout the cave, I tried to fight back, saying how I had no choice but all that came out was a strained moan. My leg burnt in agony after putting pressure on it but he wouldn't care even if I could tell him.

"Your flag reminds me of little Polen~ all that red and white." He said before striking my cheek with his hand. I couldn't do anything but submit, maybe if I did he'd stop. I leaned close and slipped his tip into my mouth I couldn't close. He seemed surprised at what I was doing but didn't mind it. Maybe I was what he said after all. A whore.


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