.:|Chapter 6 - Bonds of Blood|:.

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"Blood of the coven is thicker then the water of the womb."

Poland's pov

I groaned at the feeling of little hands poking my cheeks. I just wanted to slip back into unconsciousness and forget about everything. I lazily smack the hands away but they're persistent.
"Wake up Poland! You sleepy head!" I hear a young girl yell at me.
"Belarus please, go play with Ukraine and Germany for a bit. Leave our guest alone." Came a very familiar voice. A voice I had learnt to fear when on the wrong side of them. I gently open my eyes to see Belarus wondering out of the door and Soviet and Britain standing close to the gas heater in the corner of the room. They were whispering quickly about something.

"Mm Soviet? Britain? W-What- where is Imperial?" I ask hazily, Soviet and Britain look at me for a moment. Britain seems on edge, Soviet looks at Britain then back at me.
"Imperial did call and asked about you, don't worry she is coming to get you later. We just have... some questions." I nodded as Britain quietly walked over to me. He looked like a mess, his eyes were puffy from crying and his lip quivered as he went to talk.
"Poland, do you know where Reich is? He has my son... please if you know anything-" Britain stopped tears managing to stream down his face. Soviet's face gave off an unknown emotion as he gently rubbed Britain's back.

"I don't know... I'm sorry..." I begin, my voice quiet. I think for a moment before I continue though, do I know anyone that would know the hiding place?
"You haven't asked Third have you? He knows how to get into people's subconscious... maybe he can get into Reich or Canada!" I say happily, it's not an amazing lead but Third could in theory help us. Britain looked up at Soviet, silently asking if it was even worth looking into, Soviet gave a short nod.
"Get dressed Poland, you're coming along with us." I watch as Britain and Soviet clamber out of the room, I swiftly pull myself from the bed and dig through the closet for anything that might fit me.

I pull out a thrilly long sleeve shirt, some tracksuit pants and a winter jacket that is very big on me. I stretch my wings out and run my hands through my feathers just to settle them, there are even a few tangles. I step out of the room into the hallway, Ukraine's door is open and music is pouring from the speakers inside. I cover my ears and start heading downstairs, Germany is messing around with Belarus to keep her distracted.
"Oh he borrowed my clothes too?" I hear an annoyed voice call from the couch. Russia was laying across it, a blanket draped over one of his legs.
"Sorry Russia, I didn't have anything else to get dressed into!" I say in my defence. Russia just mutters a 'whatever'.

Soviet opens the door and Britain follows suit, I assume I have to as well. Britain sits quietly in the front seat, his eyes hazy and his mind off somewhere else. Soviet slams his door shut as I slide into the back seat behind them. Soviet gives Britain a gentle pat on the shoulder before turning on the car and driving to the asylum.
"What if he is being tortured?" Britain asks halfway through the silent car ride. I guess when I was in Reich's hold I was being tortured too but that isn't the most comforting thing to say.
"I'm sure that he wouldn't drop that low... plus Canada is strong enough to handle it." Soviet says in his best attempt to be comforting.

Britain didn't seem thrilled with the answer but kept his mouth shut. Hills and farm lands rolled on past us as we continued towards the asylum.
"It looks like someone died here." I mutter, looking up at the tall walls of concrete and razor wire. Steel gates open up and let us through into the visitor's parking lot.
"Someone probably did." Soviet replies. The nurses show us up to Third's room, they gave us all buzzers just in case he turns hostile. I doubt he would but then again, I couldn't say for certain.
"Greetings Third." Soviet says, a hint of hate in his voice.

Third was sitting on the ground with a half finished puzzle around him. The picture seemed to be of some German countryside. His eyes flickered through us before landing on Soviet.
"Well well well, if it isn't my dear friend Soviet! How have you been?" Third's voice was bouncy, almost as if he was too happy to see us.
"We need your help... if you'd be so kind to assist us..." Britain said, his voice still shaky. I felt bad for him, he had lost his son to a mad man.
"Britain? Hahaha! Why should I even think about helping you? Hahahah!!" Third began to laugh hard, nearly choking on his own laughter.

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