Trapped - Bakugou x Reader

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"Follow him! He's headed towards the subway!"

"Shut up, Deku! I know where the fuck he's going!"

Bakugou pushed himself through the streets, his explosions shooting him forward as Todoroki used his ice to propel him through the street. 

"Bakugou you need to watch out for civilians."

"Fuck off Icy-Hot! Go catch some other villain and leave this one to me!"

Bakugou landed on the ground and sprinted forward, catching the villain in his gaze once more before seeing them scream, heading down the tunnel leading to a nearest subway station. He grinned wildly and shouted to the others, changing direction in a split second to catch up to the thing they were chasing. 

"Kacchan! It's dangerous, don't go down there without us!"

"Then keep up dipshit!"

Midoriya looked over at Todoroki and rolled his eyes, kicking off the ground to chase after his blonde friend. Todoroki threw up an ice wall around the street, calling to the civilians to stay away from the subway. Midoriya skidded down the street and told the police that were around that they needed to evacuate the subway. Suddenly there was a massive explosion, and the earth below them began to crumble. Midoriya gasped and saw the villain escaping back through the tunnel, mocking Bakugou as he was able to get away from him.

"I can catch him, Midoriya, you stay with the police!"

"I can't let you go off alone, Endeavor said we need to stay together. Kacchan is here with the police, he'll be okay."

The two nodded to the police officers and ran off down the street, sliding and jumping to follow the villain that had just escaped their grasp.


"Come on, pick up a signal..."

You sighed and tapped on your phone, mumbling angrily as you swiped on your data to message your friend. You were running late for school; the subway had been delayed and you needed to get ahold of them to tell your teacher. The crowd in the subway below was average for a Monday morning; no one was in your space, but there were still plenty of heads and voices echoing throughout the station. You sighed again and sat down on the bench nearby, looking back at your phone. 

"Hey everyone! Get the fuck out of the way!"

People near the entrance to the station began to scream, and suddenly it was a riot. People were pushing past each other, struggling to get up and out of the underground station. You stood up and held your bag close, taking one step before being shoved back into place. 

"Watch it, asshole!"

You got up again and strained to look over the crowd of panicking people, seeing a villain starting the turmoil. You growled and tried to follow the evacuees again, only to be pushed and shoved around once more. Damn it, people lose all morals when they panic. Your feet tripped up from under you and you hit the ground, your head smacking against the concrete with a thud. Your phone rolled out of your hand a few feet away and everything went black, the distant sounds of explosions and collapsing concrete echoing in your ears as you faded out of consciousness.



Your head throbbed and you slowly opened your eyes, immediately closing them in pain. The ringing in your ears having not left yet, and your whole body began to come back from numbness, everything stinging. 

"...aid get up."

You could hear someone's voice, it felt distant, but you felt warm breath hit your face with every syllable that rang out. Finally you were able to understand the words and your eyes fluttered opened, seeing piercing red ones looking back into yours.

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