Blind Date - Bakugou X Reader

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"Alright. Today's the day."

You stared into the mirror next to your closet intensely, scanning yourself up and down. Your (H/C) hair was curled, your makeup was simple, and you wore a short (F/C) dress that complimented your (S/T) skin. You looked down and bent over slightly, readjusting the strap of your (F/C) heels. Heels weren't always a thing you enjoyed, but this was a date, and you wanted to look the best you could. 

Sighing happily you nodded at yourself, wishing the girl in the mirror the best of luck as you grabbed your purse and headed out. The train station was nearby, and luckily the restaurant you were going to was only a few stops away. As you waited, your phone buzzed and you pulled it out, lighting up the black screen to see a message from your close friend. 

[Ashido Mina: 19:20]
Hey! Excited for date night??

[(L/N)(F/N): 19:21]
Of course I am, already at the train!
But I'd like to know who I'm going with 😒

[Ashido Mina: 19:21]
Toooooo bad (F/N)! It's called a blind date 🙈 you're going in BLIND! Trust me, this guy is perfect for you.

[(L/N)(F/N): 19:22]
Can you at least tell me how you know him?

The train arrived and you quickly jumped through the door, grabbing a seat to not wear out your feet in the beginning of the night. Multiple people climbed aboard but it wasn't extremely overwhelming, however your appearance made others smile at you when you looked in their direction. You would nod and smile back, thanking an elderly woman as she complimented you, clicking your phone back on as it buzzed.

[Ashido Mina: 19:24]
He's a classmate...from Yuuei.
Like I said, trust me!

[(L/N)(F/N): 19:25]
You're asking for a lot when you say trust me, Ashido.

You sighed and closed your phone, holding the nearby pole as the train lurched to another stop to let people come and go. Yuuei? That was the academy your childhood friend Ashido was accepted to. It was an academy for hero training; only the best went there. Crazy smart and skilled kids with overpowered quirks-

and you were going on a date with one of them. You shuddered as your mind raced. Who would it be? Someone in Ashidos class, wasn't she in the top class? The train stopped at your destination and you stood up, shaking off your thoughts as you climbed out of the train. It wasn't night yet, but the evening air was cooler than you expected, the city lights already illuminating the streets you walked along.

The restaurant you were heading towards wasn't super fancy, but you didn't mind. Not only because you weren't paying, hopefully, but because, even though you dressed up for the occasion, you didn't dress as formally as you could have; you wouldn't have to worry about standing out too much. The sign came into view and you smiled, looking around for a bit in case the date was already there before walking inside. The host smiled at you and asked if there was a reservation, and you nodded, saying you were waiting for your party to arrive. 

After a few minutes of messaging Ashido some more, trying to force information out of her, the door swung open and you looked up. It was a tall, lean looking boy with scruffy blonde hair, and a permanent glare etched onto his face. He wore a simple yet formal outfit, similar to you.  A white dress shirt and a black jacket, black jeans with a sleek belt, and topped off with black loafers. Damn. 

You shook your head again and pat your face, scolding yourself for the thought as you heard the boy speak to the host. 

"Hey, I have a reservation for two, under Bakugou."

He glanced over, looked away, and then fully turned his head towards you, his eyes widening slightly before he coughed. 

"Are uh, are you know Raccoon E- I mean...Mina Ashido?"

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