Mondstadt's Heroes

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Once again, a bit of backstory for the two before getting into the good stuff. I feel that it lets you see their character a lot more, and let me tell you, I love these character's pasts.

"Get back!" A blond woman shouted in white shouted. Hilichruls flew back away from her. She wiped her brow. She just cleared a Hilichurl camp on her own.

"They're getting too close to the city. I need to get Amber to investigate this." She said to herself. This was none other than Acting Grand Master for the Knights of Favonious, Jean Gunnhildr. Acting Grand Master since the Grand Master, Varka, was away. Jean walked back to Mondstadt after clearing the several Hilichurl camps blocking the roads leading to Mondstadt itself. She yawned as she did, giving her arms a nice stretch. It was five in the morning. She spent the last two hours clearing camps or doing laundry. It was a normal morning for Jean.

"Jean! I need help with this cargo!" A person shouted. Jean was quick to help, carrying a few boxes at a time and bringing them to a small stand that sells food.

"Thanks! You're amazing!" The person bowed. Jean nodded. Throughout the day, she made sure that the people of Mondstadt were not only safe, but also kept in order. All day, and most nights, all she did was help the city. From wiping Abyss Order and Fatui plans to helping the average citizen with something small. It didn't matter to Jean. All she cared about was helping the people. After a hard day's work, she sat down in her office chair with a pile of papers in front of her. She let out a sigh of exhaustion. She looked down at her papers she had. She began flipping through them, counting the workload. That's when her eyes landed on a nearby book. One of Jean's secrets is that she is in love with Romance Novels. She picked up the book and read a few pages. She sighed, then placed it down. She picked up a pen, and began filling out papers.

"Maybe some day. Some day, I can share my experiences with someone. However, Mondstadt comes first." She said to herself with a heavy sigh. Filling out paper work, the people of Mondstadt went to sleep and the moon rose. Jean, being sleepy, struggled to fill out papers. After some time, she fell asleep, landing her head onto her desk. This was the usual for Jean. She never knew how to not over work herself. She thought that Mondstadt must come first all the time. In fact, she was raised this way. The Gunnhildr clan was the first clan to ever arise in Mondstadt.

There were three clans. Gunnhildr, the protectors of Mondstadt for centuries, always making sure that the city was kept in peace. Ragnvindr, the neutral, calmer side of the three clans. They, of course, kept peace to Mondstadt, but weren't as active as the Gunnhildr clan. Lastly, the Lawrence clan. These monarchs held the city under a tight and unfair rule for years before the rebellion led by the other two clans. In the end, this clan is casted away from Mondstadt. Even if you are still in Mondstadt, you are treated like a devil, someone who is the worst of all kind, even if you were fine. Eula, a member of the Knights, is a victim to this. The Gunnhildr clan raised Jean to be a future head knight, teaching her exactly what it means to be a knight. From her own experiences and her own teachings, this was what made her such a great knight.

Not only being the Acting Grand Master, she is also the Dandelion Knight. She possesses strengths, courage, and wisdom enough to be aligned with Venessa, the knight that broke Mondstadt from the Lawrence clan's shackles. Jean was pronounced the Dandelion Knight at 15. She never thought she could live up to it. After years of practice, she concluded that the way to be the Dandelion Knight was to keep everyone in Mondstadt happy. Put them first, and yourself last. This was one of the reasons she was a great knight. One other reason was her Vision. She possesses an Anemo Vision, and she really deserves it. Back before she had a vision, Grand Master Varka went on an expedition, leaving Jean in charge. Now, the Abyss Order and the Fatui decided to strike. Fatui brought uproar within the city, creating traitors and protests. The Abyss Order launched an attack. Jean in control, with her own two hands, she used one to strike down Fatui plans, creating peace and order within the system of Mondstadt. Her other led a charge against the Abyss Order, striking them down once more. With her hands out, as all the chaos was solved due to her quick thinking, everyone vanished. She felt a gentle breeze move from her back to her arm, then to her hand. With a light green glow in her hand, the wind whispered words in her ear. Words that she has always lived by, and still lives by.

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