Chapter 2. Friends?

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George and Harold looked over the page Melvin had opened to. Their smiles quickly faded. They had never known Melvin had felt that way.

"Melvin... We're so sorry" George said.

"Me too..." Added Harold.

Melvin didn't say anything, he was still so shocked about this situation. George and Harold hugged Melvin tightly.  Melvin's face shifted slowly into a smile. Even though they were (or used to be) his worst enemies, he felt so loved and appreciated for once. 

Recess ended and they went inside and got ready to go home (sense recess was the last hour). Melvin was walking to his locker with his books and things, he was stuck in a swarming crowd of kids. Melvin was shoved out of the way and he was knocked back on to the ground. Melvin was used to this, he started picking up his books when he saw Harold yelling... 


Melvin stared in awe, this never happened. No one did this for him. Harold pushed that kid on the ground and walked over to Melvin to help him pick up his stuff. Melvin smirked because justice was served.

"What just happened?" Melvin said as Harold was taking the books from his hands and putting them away for him.

"Hehe, this is what friends do to each other" Harold said winking.

"F-Friends?" Melvin said, his voice cracking A bit.

"Yeah!" Harold hugged Melvin.

Melvin smiled and hugged Harold back. 

"Hey Melvin, wanna hang out with me and George after school?" Harold asked Melvin.

"I gotta study tonight...."

"C'mon Mel you need a brake every now and then!"

"Okay fine! I'll ask my mom about it when I get home. I can text you if she says yes..."

"YAY!!!!" Harold squealed and hugged Melvin before running off to George.

Melvin walked home and George and Harold went to the tree house just stalking the messages excitedly waiting for Melvin.

"MOTHEERR I'M HOME" Melvin called out to his mom.

"Hello Melvin how was your day sweety?"

"Surprisingly good.."

"I don't hear that often, what happened?"

"I made some friends and they want me to come over, is it okay?"

"Of course honey, I'm so happy for you. I love you! Have fun!"

(I guess it's a Friday just so you know lol)

Melvin quickly texted Harold and went to the treehouse sense he knew they were probably there.

"Hey Melvin!" Exclaimed George

"Oh, h-hey!" Melvin said happily but he still wasn't used to this yet.

George and Harold hugged Melvin in a group hug. 

"So welcome to the crib 😎" said George goofing around.

Melvin sat on a bean bag chair letting himself sink into it. They all talked for hours about random things and were being idiots. Melvin was warming up to them more and more. After a while Harold wanted to tell George something in private.

"Hey Melvin me and George are gonna run inside and get some snacks, stay here we'll be back" Harold said swiftly pulling George.

They went inside Harold's house. George could tell by Harold's urgency that he needed to tell him something.

"So what's on your mind Harold"? George asked

H: " I just wanted to tell you something I guess."

G: "What is it"

H:"You know how I said I was gay"

G:"Yes and I support you 100%"

H: "You know that I liked you right?"

G: "Duh, it's kinda obvious"

H: "You aren't the ONLY guy I like and I think I'm poly"

G: "Well this was a random time to tell me that, and I already knew, we are basically dating Harold!"

H: "I told you so the audience would know as well, DUH" 

 (yes I did just break the 4th wall 😀)

H: "I've liked Melvin for a while now too, but I'm scared to tell him"

G: "He is pretty sweet now that I know him better... I can probably help you, then we can all be poly?"

H: "That would literally be awesome George"

G: "We should wait until he trusts us more though, knowing him he's probably still... Ya know" 

H:"You're right George, lets grab some chips and go back"

They all hung out until it was time to go home. Once again they hugged, and said their goodbyes. They had plans to play at the park the next day and Melvin was invited again. This time Melvin agreed without one doubt.

I Am Not A Robot (A Melvin x Harold x George comfort story)Where stories live. Discover now