Chapter 9*

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A/N: Contains SMUT! 18+ only

It took a little while for you and Chris to have your 2nd/100th date. At first you both were just busy with work commitments, then you came down with a nasty cold which had you pretty much bedridden for a week.

That didn't stop Chris from coming over and visiting. He'd bring you soup, meds, make you hot drinks or run you a bath. You tried to stop him saying he should keep his distance, so he didn't catch your cold. He was having none of it though and you were secretly happy that you had someone to cuddle and binge watch Netflix show with.

You did feel guilty though when he came down with the same nasty cold the following week. It did allow you to repay the favour, and Chris was extremely cute when he was ill. When you first went over to his house he answered the door with a blanket over his head, tissue in hand looking like a little old lady. He was a bit of a stubborn patient though. It took a lot of convincing to get him to take some cough syrup, which in his words was tar from the depths of hell.

So once you both had recovered you set a date pretty quickly for your next date. Chris wouldn't tell you what you were doing or where you were going though. He just told you to be ready by a certain time and he'd pick you up.

Your mind was trying to work out all the different things you could possibly be doing. It couldn't be something out in the open because you two didn't want to be seen yet. He said he wanted to do something impressive since you'd been saying it was the 100th date which ruled out a few other things.

"Hello earth to (Y/N)!" Scott says waving his hand in front of your face grabbing your attention.

"Hm sorry what?" You says shaking your head slightly.

"I asked you what you thought of this jacket?" Scott asks holding a deep green jacket up to his chest.

"Yeah looks great, you should get it" you tell him nodding your head in approval.

"What caused you to zone out there?" Scott asks as you start walking through the shop again.

"Oh er nothing really, was just thinking about work" you lie glancing around at the clothes around you.

Your eyes fall on this beautiful dress, it was a deep navy-blue velvet dress that on the mannequin accentuate the curves without being skin-tight.

You walk over to the rail and have a closer look at the dress.

"Oh you thinking on wearing that on your next date?" Scott asks nudging your shoulder gently.

"Yeah maybe" you mumble absentmindedly not really realising you said it out loud.

"Bet Jake will love that" Scott says making you pause for a moment.

"Oh we uh broke up" you say glancing over at Scott who looked back at your shocked.

"Oh no what happened! You two seemed great!" Scott says disappointedly.

You shrugged your shoulders slightly "just wasn't working out, that's all nothing bad but didn't really feel it ya know" you tell him, it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth.

"Well you should still get the dress, ready for whoever the next lucky guy is" Scott says grabbing a dress of your size off the rail for you.

You couldn't help but smile, thanking your lucky stars that he suggested you got it still. Since it would be the perfect dress for your date with Chris tonight.

Once you and Scott had paid for you new clothes you found yourself a coffee shop and ordered so iced coffees to go, sitting down on a bench that looked out over the green. You listened as Scott told you what he'd been up to recently, including this movie he'd auditioned for recently.

Best Friend's Brother - A Chris Evans x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now