Chapter 1

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You were just having a nap after a long day at work when you were awoken by an incessant knocking on your door.

Quickly moving through the apartment you were getting ready to rip whoever it was a new one for waking you up from your nap.

"Oh my god finally! What were you doing?" Scott exclaims walking straight into your apartment the moment your opened the door.

"Come in why don't you" you say sarcastically, shutting the door behind him. You follow him through your apartment finding him sifting through your fridge.

"Did someone rob you?" Scott asks quickly turning to face you catching you off guard.

You glance around the apartment, it wasn't messy. Albeit it could be cleaner, but it wasn't messy.

You look over at Scott confused to see him desperately trying to hold back a smile.

"Because someone's stolen all your food" he says with a shit eating grin on his face.

"For Christ sake Scott, I just haven't been to the shops because of all the Halloween rush, if anyone is stealing my food it's you!" You exclaim as he continues to look through your kitchen in search of a snack.

"There's not even a simple snack, how have you eaten all of it" Scott laughs turning back to face you.

"It's been a long week at work, I've been sat at my desk all week trying to write up my paper" you explain.

You worked in animal behaviour research and whenever you got to the write up section of your work, your snack supply took a massive blow.

"Anyway we've completely skipped an important thing here, why on earth were you pounding on my door?" You ask him.

He looks at you shocked "how could you have possibly forgotten what tonight was!" He asks incredulously.

"I haven't forgotten but it doesn't start till 8 and its only half 5" you say checking your watch.

Tonight was the infamous Evans Halloween Costume Party. An event that cannot be missed unless you are dead or on deaths door.

"I'm here to pick my bff up so we can go get ready together at Chris'" Scott explains leaving the kitchen in the direction of your bedroom.

You and Scott had been best friends ever since you met at summer camp when you were 10 and he was 12. You has been there through thick and thin, practically joined at the hip. You became such good friends you practically became another Evans sibling. Lisa was like your second mother, even going as far as to referring to you as the 3rd daughter she never had.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" You ask following Scott to your bedroom.

"Oh c'mon (Y/N), you and Chris are ancient history" Scott scoffs brushing you off.

"That's not what I meant" you grumbled.

Being close to Scott also meant you were close to his siblings. You just happened to get particularly close to one sibling when you were 18. You and Chris dated, if it wasn't for the fact that he was such a close family friend many would have said the age gap of 4 years was inappropriate. You dated for just under a year, right up until he left for LA to pursue his acting career. There was no bad blood between the two of you, it naturally sizzled out. You and him were good friends again, however there was still that slight air of almost awkwardness if the two of you were alone for too long.

"Look we're all getting ready there so there'll be so much hustle and bustle you won't have time to get all awkward" Scott says grabbing your costume from your closet.

Best Friend's Brother - A Chris Evans x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now