Chapter 7

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She smelled like cigarettes last night. I wonder what type of cigarettes she smokes.

I don't even know why I'm asking, cigarettes are fucking disgusting and I've never once in my life been compelled to smoke one. Until I smelled them on her, that is.

Something about the rich, smoky stench of the cigarette lingering on her, mixed with her sweet scent (vanilla maybe?) made it almost intoxicating.

I didn't mean to smell her, I swear it was completely accidental. I was downwind from her and the scent just hit me. Fucking addicting I tell you.

I smelled it the first time I talked to her too, but it didn't smell fresh so I figured she was just around someone who was smoking. She was also drinking Vodka straight from the bottle that night, so I decided 'hey, she probably had a shit day, and needs a little substance to take the edge off'. We all do, sometimes right?

But it smelled fresh this time. She must've smoked it right before she came up to the roof.

I pondered this thought for a while, wondering why she smokes, considering how unusual it is for a teenager to smoke cigarettes. If it there was a specific reason and if so what was it. Does it run in her family? Maybe she really does have something heavy bothering her, and poisoning her body with shit is the only way she knows how to cope.

Then I remembered the phone calls, obviously from the boyfriend she couldn't wait to mention. She was frantic to answer, almost as if she'd be punished if she didn't.

She was also overly apologetic, sorrowful almost. Her boyfriend didn't reciprocate the apologetic tone in the slightest, but she didn't seem to care, or even notice for that matter.

And I recognized all the tell tale signs immediately; He's clearly a manipulative dick, and she is either completely oblivious to the fact, or is aware of it but has no intentions of doing anything about it.

I may have taken her as manic, but I never suspected she was stupid. Guess I was wrong.

I'm so curious about her, I don't want to have to keep guessing things about her life; about how her brain works. I want to get to know her.

But every time we start talking, she has to leave because that idiot calls her.

From my observations so far, she drinks, smokes cigarettes (the absolute worst thing to smoke), walks on ledges of 15 foot homes, and is oblivious to to the toxic behavior of her boyfriend.

I actually kind of pity her, to be completely honest.

Not because I like her or anything, I actually feel quite the opposite, there aren't many likable qualities about her...

Besides her scent. And her hair. I also didn't mind her outfit. And the way she convinced that old pervert at the mini-mart to give her shit.

But that's besides the point.

No matter how annoying I think she is, I don't wish being in that type of relationship on anyone. Being controlled and manipulated 24/7 really fucks with you.

If the piece of shit is as possessive as he sounds, that would explain why I woke up alone on the roof in the middle of the night last night.

That's the other thing I forgot to mention: Last night was the first night I've fallen asleep on my own in over 2 years.

There are only two things on this earth that reverse the effects of my insomnia.

The first one is weed, the best thing known to man kind. Not only is it fucking awesome just because, but it's also a highly effective natural sleep remedy.

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