chapter twenty one

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             "All our dreams can come true,         if we have the courage to pursue them

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"All our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to pursue them."

Through the flight, Wanda and y/n sat next to eachother, almost immediately falling asleep, as they finally felt safe enough too.

hands intertwined they slept through the whole flight.

Wanda blinked open to Sam gently tapping her shoulder.

"We're at a safe house."

she nodded and gently shook Y/N awake, she opened her eyes softly before standing up with Wanda.

to say she was exhausted was an understatement, she leaned against Wanda as they walked into the relatively big house, with a kitchen, bathroom, and 3 rooms.

it was then she got a good look at Bucky and Steve.

"his arm-"

"We'll, uh figure it out."

she then realized the totality of their injuries, especially Steve as she ran to the jet for the first aid kit.

She sat at the table and tapped the seat next to her. "Steve you're first." she said.

He smiled and sat down as she disinfected his cuts and bandaged him, biting her lips in focus as she carefully finished up.

"You're next Bucky." she said, rummaging through the kit.

Bucky sat down and smiled apologetically.

The others walked through the house, Wanda walking with Steve as they looked into the rooms.

"someones gonna have to double up, theres 3 rooms and 4 of us." Steve said.

Wanda nodded "who though?" she asked.

"is that really a question?" Steve asked, she looked away knowing it would be her and y/n.

Y/N finished with bucky and sent him off as she cleaned.

"What about food? and clothes and stuff?" Y/N asked looking at Steve.

"well, good question."

"We can probably find thrift stores and small grocery stores." Wanda said

[ two days later ]

they had cleaned the house and ate almost all of what was left with the food, so they had no option but to go out for food.

they opted for Sam going out, knowing that from the others appearances he'd be the least recognized, from Steve being well- Steve Rogers, y/n having white hair and discolored eyes, Bucky was out of the question, so they opted for Sam.

Wanda and y/n shared a room, which was pleasant but neither would admit it

they felt a sense of safety being close to eachother.

Soon, Sam had come home with food to stock up the pantry, they unloaded all of it and soon dispersed to their own rooms.

y/n lied on the bed , staring into the ceiling.

she jumped when she felt a hand on her knee and looked to see Wanda.

wanda smiled softly before sitting next to her. "are you okay?" she asked softly.

"im just tired." she mumbled, facing Wanda.

"Naptime?" Wanda asked, smirking.

Y/N nodded as Wanda lied next to her, hands intertwined together , falling asleep fast but sleepily moving closer, until Wandas head was on y/n's chest as y/n wrapped an arm around her.

it was peaceful,

for now.

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