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Y/n's pov:

Its the morning of the second day at the beach, last night before going to bed we all decided that we should stay here for two more days. Hermione, Avery and Mackie had to go so they would only be staying for today. Leo as per didnt know whether he was staying or not. Anyway enough of yesterday night.

I woke up before anyone else so decided to go on a walk around the beach and discover places that I could go to if I feel down. On my way back I found this cave thing and it looked pretty clean so I went and looked around. It was so beautiful, I just need to add a few lights and decorate it. "Beautiful isn't it." Someone said behind me which made me jump. I turned around and saw Erik.

"Oh yeah it is. How come ur up?" I asked him "I get up early to go on walks especially if it's the beach because u can discover things like this." He replied smiling which made me smile a bit. "Shall we head back I think Casey is making breakfast?" Erik asked "yea." Then we started to head back to the beach house.

By the time we got back, everyone was up. Leo came up to me and kissed me when we pulled away I saw Tracey giving me a death stare. Like girl what did I ever do to you. "Come on everyone let's sit from breakfast." Lyle said ushering us to the table. He told everyone where to sit like last night. "And finally Casey,Erik , Y/n and then me." I took my place in the middle of the boys. "Lyle?" Ed asked "yes Ed" "why do u tell people where to sit?" Lyle looked at him "because we need to ummm we need to have places at the table."  He kind of shouted the last part.

Erik's pov: (this is gonna be before breakfast and before he met Y/n at the cave)

"Erik!" Tracey shouted at me "what" I opened my eyes really slowly. "Why does Lyle want u to be with that girl all the time? Do u have a crush on her?" I bolted up straight. "I don't have a crush on Y/N. She has a name Yk." I said. Tracey just rolled her eyes. "I want u to stay away from her ok?" I looked at her with a disgusted face. "No it's my life I can do what ever I want." I got out of the bed put on some shorts and flip flops then walked out making sure to slam the door behind me.

I practically ran down the stairs and out the front door. I was walking around the beach thinking about things and trying to clear my head. If I do have a crush on Y/n would she like me back? Or am I not good enough for her? Ugh I wish this "crush" never happened. As I was heading back I found this cave thing and went to look inside. Someone was already in it. Y/n she was in the cave. "Beautiful isn't it." I said low, she jumped a little. She turned around to face me. "Oh yeah it is. How come ur up?" Y/n asked me. "I get up early to go on walks especially if it's the beach because u can discover things like this." I replied smiling and made Y/n smile a bit.

"Shall we head back I think Casey is making breakfast?" I asked "yes" then we started walking back to the beach house. By the time we both got back everyone was up. Leo came and gave Y/n a kiss on the lips and I had to stand there and watch being awkward. I looked around the room to try and find Tracey. At last I found her, "why did u come in with her?" She asked with a monotone voice. "Because I went for a walk on the beach and I happened to see her so we both walked back because that is normal." She just rolled her eyes and I walked away.

Come on everyone let's sit from breakfast." Lyle said ushering us to the table. He told everyone where to sit like last night. "And finally Casey,Erik, Y/n and then me." I sat next to Casey and Y/n so I was alright but I knew I was getting a death stare from Tracey. "Lyle?" Ed asked "yes Ed" "why do u tell people where to sit?" Lyle looked at him "because we need to ummm we need to have places at the table."  He kind of shouted the last part. Everyone started to eat breakfast when Leo got a phone call. He looked at his phone and chocked a bit on the food he was eating. Good he can go die then I can have Y/n, Jk Jk obviously I don't even like Y/n like that (btw I have nothing against Leo it's just for the story)

He rushed outside. "I bet he is cheating on her you know." Casey whispered in my ear. "What makes u say that?" I whispered back "did u not just see how he almost die when he saw who was calling him" that is true "and I'm just saying if it is true then u can get with her." A smile appeared on my face. "Boys want to tell us all what ur talking about?" Tracey said. I looked at her "we were whispering for a reason but don't worry it's not about u." Casey said. "Shut up." Tracey fired back. Lyle and Y/n both laughed. "Tell us all why u think Leo is cheating on Y/n?" Me and Casey both looked at her with wide eyes "what?" Y/n sorta shouted. "U guys think Leo is cheating on me?" We we're both trying to think of an answer.

"Who thinks I'm cheating on u?" We all turned around to see leo at the door "Erik and Casey both think ur cheating on me." Leo looked at me "course the rich snob thinks I'm cheating he wants u for himself." (I hated writing that. Erik is not a rich snob) "uh excuse me, no one speaks to my brother like that. Let alone a blonde Snobby actor who thinks he owns the world!" Lyle fired back at him. "I didn't ask for a free ride, I only asked u to show me a real good time, I never asked for the rain fall, at least I showed up, u showed me nothing at all, it's coming down on me. Water like misery, its coming down on me. I'm ready, rain on me." Mackie started to sing then Ed joined. "I'd rather be dry, but at least I'm alive, Rain on me, Rain, Rain, Rain on me, Rain, Rain, I'd  rather be dry, but at least I'm alive," they both stopped and Hermione got on the table "Rain on me, Rain,Rain, Rain on Me." Then they all started to dance. We were all just staring at them.

Then Lyle shouted which made them stopped and he switched the song off "what was that for?" Hermione said annoyed "yeah exactly I didn't even get to sing Ariana's part." Mackie said that looking at Ed "what have I done?" "I said we should have started with Ariana's part but u said no." Mackie and Ed where now shouting at each other. "STOP!" Y/n shouted "why is everyone now fighting? Why can't we just do something nice with everyone getting along?" Lyle looked at me "I have a plan." Everyone looked at him "why don't we pair up but we go with people we don't get a long with for example Tracey and Y/n." I shook my head "I'm am not going anywhere with Leo." "Little bro u have to." I rolled my eyes "fine" Lyle smiled looking proud of himself.

"Right so everyone go get ready, come back here and I will tell u all the pairs we have." Everyone started to go to their rooms. I caught up with Y/n "Y/n can I talk to u." She turned to Leo "can u hear anything?" Leo looked around "no it's just us two." They just started to walk away. It triggered memories from back home. My father would ignore me and only love Lyle. My breathing got heavy and every thing kept creeping closer and closer, I fell to the floor.

Y/n's pov:

I know I shouldn't have done that to Erik. "I think I should go say sorry to him" I told Leo going for the door but he came in front. "He's in the wrong." Leo protested "no he just has an opinion right and we shouldn't have-" I got caught of by a thud near the stairs. I rushed out and saw Erik. "Omg Erik." I ran over to him "Erik can U hear me?" I heard a whimper come from him "he's obviously doing this for attention." Leo said angrily and grabbed my arm "I can't leave him here anyway I thought u were gonna go." He rolled his eyes "anywhere away from u is better." "I know right I love being with anyone but u." I smiled at him sweetly. Leo went back into our room

After a few minutes I had calmed Erik down, "I'm sorry for what I did." I said "it's alright" he smiled at me. "IS EVERYONE UP THERE READY?" Lyle shouted me and Erik both laughed and went downstairs. "Alright so we will have Mackie and Ed, Hermione and Casey, Erik and Leo, Y/n and Tracey, Finally me, Avery and Joey. But we will supervise." Hermione stood at the front "why are me and Casey paired together we are legit best friends." Lyle looked at her "well technically this is for you know who but we just involved everyone."

We all got to the beach and it was roasting so most of us headed for the water. "Where do u think ur all going?" Lyle asked making us all turn back. "We are having a treasure hunt." Avery announced. Earning groans from people "aren't we a bit to old for a treasure hunt?" Ed asked. "Come on it will be fun."
I said and went to get a map. Everyone had set off and me and Tracey started to as well. "Just so u know I hate u." She said and walked off. What's her problem? Oh well this is gonna be a long day.

Authors note;

Hi, this is another part to my beach collection I will do a part three then they will be back to normal life. And there will be more Jose and kitty (unfortunately) anyway I hope u enjoyed this chapter.

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