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Y/n's Pov:

It's been a long stressful week but it's finally the weekend and I plan on going to meet Erik today. I need to talk to him about what is really happening and I just hope that Lyle won't be there as he's probably more angry at me then Erik. I sat on my bed whilst looking on Instagram cute edits of me and Leo looking 'happy' together.

After spending time on my phone I placed it down on my bed side table and went downstairs for breakfast. I saw that my brother and mom were already in the kitchen eating breakfast at the kitchen island. "Good morning." I spoke with sleep clearly evident in my throat. "Good morning." My mom replied smiling at me "had good sleep?" Joey asked
"Not that great." I replied getting my self a bowl of cereal

"Mom," I asked dragging out the m. "Yes sweetheart." She said looking up from the book she was reading. "Is it ok if I went to go visit Erik today?" She nodded. Yes I can go see him. "Are u sure he wants to see u tho?" Joey chirped up, I turned so I was facing him. "I just want to see how he is doing can I not?" I rolled my eyes and went back to pouring my milk in.

After eating breakfast, I went back to my room and got myself ready. As i came into my room from my bathroom I took a quick glance from my bedroom window, I could see that Lyle was busy practicing tennis in their backyard court. He turned around and we had eye contact for a few second then Lyle broke it.

I need to speak to Lyle as well, so I might as well try now. Finishing putting my shoes on I said a quick bye to my mom and brother. Isabelle is at play group and dad is having a business meeting. Fast walking to the Menendez house,  I knocked on the door Jose answered it "hello Y/n why are u here?" I was a bit intimidated "oh Um is Lyle in?" He nodded and let me in he closed the door with a slight bang making me jump "don't be scared I won't do anything to u." And he just left.

I was walking through to the kitchen everything felt eerie. Kitty was in the kitchen when she turned around and saw me "should u be here seeming as though u have a husband?" I looked at her with shock evident on my face "I'm here to see how Lyle's doing and Leo is not my" before I could finish my sentence she just walked away.

I made my way to the tennis court they have, I saw Lyle seating on a bench in the court having a drink of his water. "How u doing Lyle?" I said trying to start a conversation with him. He turned around and stared at me but went back to drinking his water. "I just wanted to see how u were doing since Erik is still in the hospital." I went to sit next to him and he just moved away. "Look im sorry about this whole situation, I really am. Do u really think I want to marry Leo."

Lyle muttered a yes. I rolled my eyes "well Um my sister wants u to be her plus one at the wedding." Lyle turned to me "I will not be attending that "wedding" as it's not important to me or my daily life." I looked at him bewildered "so one minute we go from best friends and now to what I think of as enemies just because of some boy." I fired back at him "exactly what's happening between us because if it wasn't for Leo Erik wouldn't be at the hospital."

"So this is the end of our friendship then?" I asked "yes" Lyle said with no emotion, I stood up and made my way back to the house "go through the side gate pls." Lyle shouted as I was far away. I listened to him and went through the side gate. As I reached my house I saw that my dad's car was in the drive way. I quickly got into my car and drove off to the hospital.

Finally arriving at the hospital, I found a parking spot. I walked into the hospital and up to the front desk. "Hello madam how can I help?" The woman asked "um im here to see Erik Menendez he's my best friend well at least I hope so." She typed on her computer and told me the room he was in. As  I was getting closer and closer to his room I started think about the worse possibilities that could happen.

I knocked on the door and waited for him to reply finally he replied with a "come in"

Erik's Pov:

I was in my own little world which I tend to do sometimes. The tv was on in the background and the hospital breakfast was on the side table as it was rank. There was a knock on my door and I was hoping it wasn't Leo or my parents. As when Lyle comes to visit he just walks in. "Come in" I told the person at my door.

They walked in and I saw y/n walk in, am I dreaming  or something. "What are u doing here?" I asked her curiously "I just wanted to see how u were." She replied taking a seat. "I'm fine I just want nice food and I wanna be out of here." I said smiling weakly at her she smiled back. "I'm sorry." Y/n randomly said as tears started to well in her eyes "no don't be sorry Y/n it is not ur fault." I reassured her "but it is tho I'm getting married to one of the main problems." I shook my head "no I promise u Y/n no of this is ur fault." She wiped away her tears.

I moved over a bit and patted in the bed, "come lie next to me." Y/n came over and got next to me. "Who even said it was ur fault?" Her head went into the crook of my neck and she started to sob. "I went round to ur house to try and tell Lyle what was really happening and um we kind of got into an argument." I rubbed her back to try and get her to calm down like how she did it to me.

"He said that cuz I was marrying Leo who got u into this position that it was my fault." She had finally stopped crying "are u two still friends?" She shook her said "we are back like how we used to be." I wrapped my arms around her I didn't really care about my arms at this moment of time. "I will always be here for u no matter what comes our way. For Lyle it might take him sometime but he will eventually forgive u I know he will." We stayed cuddling for a bit and eventually both of us fell asleep.

Lyle's Pov:

After Y/n left the day went from horrible to dreadful. I couldn't concentrate and my dad was being more tough today then ever. I came into the den and sat down on the sofa when my dad came in "what do u think ur doing here?" I turned to him "I was just watching the tv." I replied "WELL DONT GO TO UR ROOM." I rolled my eyes and walked past him when he got hold of me "what did I say about rolling ur eyes at me?" I gulped, he threw me against the floor hurting my back and then started to beat me up. I managed to get out of his grip and run up to my room. I locked my door.

Pacing around my room I didn't know what to do. I looked out of my room to see a few kids playing on the street. I decided to open up my window and climb out of it. Carefully placing my feet in sensible places. I heard gasps from the kids on the street, I finally jumped down and started to run off. Not knowing where my destination was going to be, finally deciding on going to see Erik .

I had finally made it to the hospital. "Hello I'm here to see Erik." The nurse nodded and I walked to Erik's room. As I opened the door I saw someone in the bed with him. "Uh what is this?" Both him and Y/n woke up. Y/n faced me and I saw that she'd been crying. "I'll go now I have to be somewhere." She said in a low quiet voice. "Y/n." I spoke and she looked up at me "I'm sorry for being harsh on u it's just a shock that ur getting married to Leo after everything and I was a little hurt." I said rather quickly "it's ok are we still friends?" She asked "best friends and I will come to the wedding as Isabelle's plus one but if Leo tries anything I will not be scared to punch him." Y/n laughed

"So?" Erik said dragging out the o we both turned to face him "are we all besties now." He asked and we nodded "right can u guys go get me some food I'm starving and also I get to go home in a few hours." I laughed and Y/n smiled "ok we will go get u some food." Y/n said.

Hi sorry I haven't updated in a while so this chapter is longer for that reason I will be trying to update as often as I can. I hope u have enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading it

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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