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Trump POV

There was a knock on my door. I got up to see who this stupid person is. I opened my door to see the dumb Obama..

Obama: hai

Trump: go away i don't wanna see you

I was about to slam the door on his face, but he shoved me and walked into my luxurious mansion.

Obama: I need to talk to you

Trump: ughhh fine

Obama: The letter you wrote for Biden
came to me instead.

Trump: w-w-what? Did you read it?

Obama: yes

Trump: grr

Obama: I was jealous because I wanted Biden all too myself..but he doesn't like I realized that I really liked reading your letter! I read it over and over pretending that you wrote it for me!!

Trump: uh..

Obama: please love my buttercake cherry pie senpai🥺

Trump: ok

*makeout session*

Biden POV

All these anonymous love letters have me feeling...special? Idk
Its giving me the butterflies😩
Anyways um im watching tv because im too old to do anything else.
I eventually fell into a deep sleep and...I think im dreaming?? Im in a white glowingg room...And...Is that obama? He looks, kinda cute.

He walked up to me and..kissed my hand lol aww

And i suddenly woke up..that was a weird dream?? And why Obama, out of all people.

Macron POV

Ughh where is she??? My beautiful teacher is late for our date!! Grr
I can't let Biden know that im cheating on him with my teacher. That cannot happen!
Wait why am i calling her my teacher? Im like 40 now trololol


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