I woke up and saw Daryl next to me my shoulder didn't hurt but I felt funny teddy was at my feet

"Your on a shit ton of pain meds" Daryl says

"I feel it" I laugh

"What happened out there" he asks me

"We were getting hershel and two men came in they kept making slide comments to me and staring at me and they were trying to find here they tried killing Rick Rick shot one I shot the other but he shot me in the shoulder before I could. I put him down I killed someone. There friends came looking for them all I thought was would I get to see you again tell you I love you but one of them was hurt we were trying to help we got him in the car and I passed out I guess" I say

"Love me?" Daryl says

"Did I say that?" I say "I'm so tired" I say

"Sleep" he says

I fell asleep and when I woke up I felt way better i pet teddy and kiss him I got up my shoulder still hurting and I walked down the hall hershel was in with Beth teddy at my feet

"How is she?" I ask

"Will be ok, you should be in bed" hershel says

"Nah I need some air I just won't lift anything" I say

"Be careful" he say and I nod and walk away

Lori tells me about randell I find Daryl and sit with him

"You should be in bed" he says

"We can't send him on his way" I tell Daryl

"Mhm I agree" he says

"What happened to you while I was gone" I ask

"I didn't know you left until you were in my arms shot. Everyone kept coming to me and telling me to go after Rick and hershel no one said your name Carol Kees bugging me and she thought I was gonna hit her" he says

"I'm not your problem Daryl don't make me your problem" I say I get up to walk away "and you wouldn't ever hit her I know you" I say and keep walking and I hear him yell "like hell you do"

(Week later)

My shoulder was feeling a bunch better I still had to take it easy but I got the stitches out and now it has to heal and get stronger.

Rick and Shane went to take randell out and set him free which I thought was a bad idea

I help with doing dishes and house work i take teddy for a walk and I help watch Beth. Lori said she was taking her food. I said I'd get her dinner.

I did what I said I stepped away from Daryl but that doesn't mean I didn't see him always staring at me. Him and carol are getting close. Well she's trying he don't want her company.

I'm inside the house when Lori bring her plate down she then rushes back upstairs and when she comes back she has a knife "can you find hershel and Maggie" she asks

"Yeah what's wrong" I ask

"Beth is turning suicidal I found her with a knife" Lori says I put my sandwich down and run off to the barn to look for them

After Andrea and I find her we go and see Beth

Lori Andrea and I wait for Maggie down stairs

"I can't believe this" I say
"Where's hershel" Andrea says
"He doesn't wanna find out yet" Lori says
"It's a family affair we'll let them work it out" Lori says again
"Yeah but we still have to watch her and help out" I say
"That's working it out?" Andrea says
"When Beth stops fighting, that's when it's time to worry" Lori says
We hear Maggie and Beth arguing

"This could have been handled better" Andrea says

"How so" Lori asks

"You shouldn't have taken the knife away" Andrea says and my jaw drops

"What" I say
"Excuse me?" Lori says
"You were wrong like dale taking my gun that wasn't your decision" Andrea says

"Listen maybe dale taking your shot away isn't because your an adult even when you never act like one. That's a little girl up there a teenager" I say

"She has to choose to live on her own she has to find her own reason" Andrea says

"Want me to tie a noose for her?" Lori asks

"If she's serious she'll figure out a way" Andrea says

"See we don't want that to happen can you stick your head out of Andreas world for a second God damn" I yell
"Right, it doesn't mean I can't stop her or let her know I care" Lori says

"Or help her find a reason but not by giving her a knife" I say

"That has nothing to do with it Lori, Alex" Andrea says "she only has so many choices in front of her" Andrea says and I get mad and walk out I sit on the porch

I look at my long sleeves and pull them up revealing self harm scars.

"She doesn't know shit" I grumble and Daryl comes up "who don't know shit" he says I look up and pull my sleeves down fast

"What's on your wrists" he asks

"Nothing Andrea is crazy I'm thinking of hitting her again" I say

"Come on" he says and walks away

"I'm good" I say

"Come on" he says and I get up and follow him we go to his tent and he walks up to me and takes my hand "what" I ask him

"Why you avoiding me" he asks
"I'm not been busy" I say
"What doing house work when you turn into one of them?" He laughed
"They needed help" I say he quickly pulls my sleeve up I try to pull away but it's to late

I see Andrea running to the house

"I gotta go" I say and run off pulling my sleeve down

"Where were you" Maggie asks
"I heard is she alright" Andrea asks
"She would be if you would have stayed in there with her where were you" Maggie says
"How bad is she" Andrea ask
"Wasn't deep" Lori says
"She wants to live she made her decision" Andrea says
"She tried to kill herself" Maggie says
"No she didn't" Andrea says
"My fathers stitching her wrists right now" Maggie yells
"She'll live" Andrea says Andrea try's to go in

"Stay away from her" Maggie says getting in her way
"From both of us don't you dare step foot in this house again" Maggie says

"Andrea you act like you understand but all you did was try to blow yourself up, I understand" I say and pull my sleeves up "each one I had to get taken to the hospital and stitches in and then put in a mental hospital because I was on suicide watch if someone were to just take my blade away I wouldn't be marked up" I yell "stop acting like your a victim this isn't your world grow up" I say and I push her and walk away.

I go over to Daryl I grab him and I take his gun and he grabs his crossbow

"Where we going" he asks and I pull him to the woods

I didn't answer him when we get a little far out and I stop him and kiss him he don't kiss back at first but then he does.

"What's that for" he asks

"I've been wanting to do that since I seen you Daryl" I say "I love you, and I know you don't feel the same way but i just needed to tell you that" I say and I walk away

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