Moving on

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We burry Beth I hold on to Daryl as we have a memorial for her she cries on my shoulder. I sob also

We keep moving and surviving

I go out to the woods as everyone figures out a plan I take my sword out and I start slicing at the tree mad

I fall to the ground and cry some more.

We get in the car and start driving

We drive for awhile 500 miles

I'm at our camp with Daryl I lay on the ground and lay there as Carol talks to Rick. I stare up at the sky.

Daryl is sitting there with me "she was right" he says

"About what?" I say

"She said when she's gone Imma miss her so bad, she was right" he says I sit up and sit with him and pull him in for a hug

"I miss her too" I say

Ares comes over and hugs Daryl we hear over the radio Tyreese was bit and they cut his arm off.

Later we have a burial for him.

I go back to the car and cry I've been crying so much. We keep losing I go to a little lake and I sit there a walker comes over to me and I don't move I let it walk over it gets super close when a gunshot rings out the walker next to me is on the ground and ares and teddy are standing a few feet from me.

Everyone comes running over

"You didn't move why!" Ares screams at me and I just look at him
"You can't die you can't let yourself die" he says and storms away everyone walks away besides Daryl

"You trying to get yourself killed?" He says to me

"I'm just tired Daryl" I say to him

"We'll wake up cuz you ain't dyin" he says and walks away

(3 weeks later)

We are all searching for food but can't find any we are all sitting down starving no water no food

We end up losing both cars due to no gas so we walk

We walk for awhile we are all tired and exhausted. I walk in the way back I cut my sleeves off Daryl and carol go off searching for food.

Daryl and I haven't talked since our fight, there's a bunch of walkers behind us following us. Ares and teddy are tired hungry thirsty and hot.

Ares hair is getting long I cut his sleeves off with my knife. We take a short break some are down away from the walkers as they get closer we throw them down the hill.

Sasha starts killing them so I take my sword out and start killing them I tune the world out and start letting my rage out and slicing their heads off.

Soon we kill them all Sasha and Michonne have a stand off before Sasha walks away

We continue to keep walking we see a bunch of cars and Daryl takes off

We start looking through the cars

I find nothing in the car I look through

We all just sit there then Daryl comes out and sits next to me and ares and teddy

I take some of the booze from Abraham and drink some and give it back then a bunch of dogs come out I grab teddy "teddy stay" I say

Sasha kills them all Rick makes a fire and they eat the dog I don't eat any or let teddy eat any I get up "I'm gonna go find some food for teddy" I say

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