Ch:5 R@pe, Tom × Draco × Reader*

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Warnings: Attempted rape, abusive language, mentions of alcohol and dark past.
** If you had a dark past, or have went through some shit (first off, I'm so sorry that happened. If you want someone to talk to, I'm all ears. Personally message me if you need support) this is not for you **


Your pov:

There were empty alcohol bottles scattered around on the floor, one in the middle all of us. Draco, Harry, Neville, Luna, Ginny, Hermione, Fred, George, Adrian, Blaise, Astoria, Oliver, Pansy, Tom and other unfamiliar faces sat in a circle, I walked over to the group with a bunch of whiskey bottles in my hands and sat in between Oliver and Neville. Fred broke the silence that covered all of us by saying, "Ok the rules are simple, whoever the bottle lands upon has to share a streamy kiss. If you disagree with it, you close your eyes and pick a random chit in a hat. Whatever the chits say you have to follow it. No matter what it is, and let me tell you it's pretty spicy so in my opinion a kiss is much better."
We all nodded our heads, the first few pairs were quite random and to be honest had no chemistry but Fred must have done a pretty nice job scaring the innocent ones as the saw kissing as the only option. Oliver bent forward spinning the bottle after sharing a kiss with Harry, it was quite funny watching Harry and Oliver's face flush after the kiss. It spinned at a steady pace and then slowed down landing on me, not just me. Me and Tom. He smirked at me and slowly walked over to me. His lips brushed against mine, and slowly came closer until we were fully kissing. It was after a minute or two that we separated due to lack of air and inhaled as much as we can, he quickly walked away and calmly sat down on his original seat. I looked around the circle and almost everyone was smirking at me, I mean I understand. I just shared a steamy kiss with one of the hottest and most famous boys in our school. Fred and George in unison said "Wicked" and a thin layer of blush spread across my face. I also noticed a unfamiliar emotion read on Draco's face. I was quick in reading emotions on people's faces, and I found them quite interesting but this time it was unreadable (is that a word??). The game continued until everyone was completely drunk. All the people were dancing on the dance floor and a few were in corners making out, I was at the bar.
It wasn't like I wasn't enjoying, but I didn't felt like getting drunk. Last time I did, Hermione and Ginny had to ask Oliver to carry me to my dorm. I had a few shots but that was it, I'm not going through 'Texting my ex' drama again.
After a few minutes of observing a few drunk make-outs, a platinum blonde boy walked over to me. "Getting bored?" Draco asked, I looked at him and answered, "Not at all. I just don't want to get drunk."
He nodded and slowly held out his hand, "Dance?" I smirked, "I didn't know Draco Malfoy danced. Imma tell everyone!"
He smirked back at me, "I'll take that as a no, and I do dance. Just not infront of mudbloods and ordinary people. You're not ordinary, darling." A thin layer of blush spread across my face, he slowly walked away. This was the relationship me and Draco shared, a flirting one. Well, he was the one flirting and I was the one blushing. My eyes wandered across the room, and I noticed Tom glaring at me. Anger was clearly on his face, and his death stare send shivers down my spine.
His death stare quickly changed into a smirk and then he was gone. Disappeared in thin air. Me and Tom shared a different type of relationship, he was usually pretty mean to me and I was to him.
I slowly walked towards Hermione who was lecturing the twins not to drink so much and patted her shoulder to gain attention. She turned around and quickly smiled at my state, I guess she was happy that I wasn't completely drunk unlike a lot of people here. "I think we should go now!" I shouted so that Hermione could hear my voice out of the loud music playing in the background, "Finally! Someone with common sense! I've asked atleast 10 people that we should go now, but they refused!" She replied sounding pretty suprised and I giggled. My two best friends were completely opposite, Hermione being the need and basically the mom of the two of us. And Ginny being the free-flow person, she never writes her plans down in three diffrent diaries to remeber and always goes with the flow. She is the one that gets me black out drunk. I was a mixture of both, sometime being a like Hermione and sometimes like Ginny. We walked out of the party and made our way back to the gryffindor common room, we opened the door to the girl's dormitory expecting no one when we saw Lavinder inside. She was staring blankly at the ceiling, laying flat on her bed. Hermione sighs and walked to her bed, and I layed down on mine. The night went by by me and Hermione chatting of diffrent things until we both fell asleep.

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