8. Of Hinderance and Indifference

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Myriem wasn't the only one discontent with the marriage. Myriem was aware of the group of vampires sitting a few tables behind him, sending him polite dirty looks. He took a quick glance and sighed when he recognized the ministers. 

The Minister of Finance, the Minister of Agriculture, and the Minister of Natural Resources were firmly in Fourth Prince Niman's faction and loved to cause trouble for Myriem.

They weren't the only ones. Myriem eyed Ruey, standing a few paces behind, and gestured with two blinks. She nodded imperceptibly, disappearing like wind. 

Niman's faction was very divided. Composed of many pureblood vampires with noble families, there were many who stood behind Queen Karin but despised Myriem. There were very few who truly had faith in Niman himself, and while some did have hopes he would mature with time, most saw him as a convenient tool. He was susceptible to the whispers of his supporters, and could be led here or there, making him a great puppet for the power-hungry. As long as they remained in favour with Queen Karin, they could do as they pleased.

However, Niman had the close support of Third Princess Fien. Fien was adored by many in the Capital, and if a Minister's child came into contact with her, they were immediately friends. While they may plot using Niman, Fien had to be considered, as their children were effectively willing hostages. First Princess Lieutenant General Havine doted on Fien, and as Havine had significant sway over the military and was closely affiliated with First Prince Geulpri, pitting oneself against Fien was a foolish move. 

But Fien had not made her position on this marriage clear, and Queen Karin herself seemed rather unpleased with the Siren Princess, so they were willing to cause trouble for Myriem. 

Ruey returned not long after, whispering what she had heard as she refilled Myriem's cup. The ministers had spread talk of how Myriem and Keel had colluded, which was why Keel was content to pass the beneficial marriage to him. 

Myriem and Keel colluding was a great fear of Niman's pureblood supporters and was why Myriem had lost the support of many of them. Myriem was a pureblood vampire, and yet he was highly sympathetic to the half and mixed-bloods, and this would eventually lead to their noble vampire lineage becoming tarnished and weaker, they cried.

Their country of Lee was already composed of many more half or mixed-bloods, and it was only because the court was mostly purebloods that the purebloods had retained their privileged status for so long. 

Keel was a half-blood, as were his elder siblings,  all born of Queen Filea. It was only natural that he had the support of half-bloods and fought for them. But Myriem, a pureblood? The purebloods saw this as a betrayal.

Myriem was mildly annoyed by the ministers interfering. They didn't want Niman to marry the Siren Princess, as that would dirty their pureblood lineage, yet they didn't want Myriem to marry her either, because of the power this would give him with the Country of Aselan. Ultimately, they had no real goal besides slandering Myriem and casting aspersions on his name. 

Their whispers were quick to reach the ears of Queen Karin, who frowned at the Siren Princess. She knew the ministers were just making meaningless mischief, but she also was not content that the Siren Princess carrying Myriem's children. 

Queen Karin ideally would have Myriem marry her and maybe have a daughter or two, then choose a pureblood for Myriem to form a child-rearing pact with for sons. To have the Siren Princess obey when the time came, Queen Karin needed to make her status clear now to now let her gain any influence. It would be an annoyance if she did and later had a son.   

Queen Karin waited until the dinner had finished a round, before suggesting something to her husband. King Sepalem nodded and then ordered the dancers and musicians to play an Aselan tunes as a show of respect. 

The Aselans were well-known for their abilities to entertain, and had brought several women for that purpose. Wearing shimmery cloths that exposed their slim waists, their sheer scarves bewitched the viewers of their sensual and yet elegant dances.

The Queen waited until the dances were done and the mood was high when she called the Siren Princess to come up to her. The Siren Princess hesitated and looked to her waiting ladies, and they accompanied her to the carpet.

The Siren Princess bowed before the steps to the throne, and the low hum of whispers disappeared when the Queen spoke.

The Queen began by giving the Siren Princess a cursory welcome, bestowing jewels and rich fragrances upon the Princess as a welcoming gift. The Siren Princess bowed in thanks, whispering something to a waiting lady through her veil.

The servant stood and bowed, speaking for the Princess: "Our Highness thanks Queen Karin for the kind welcome and hopes for a warm and long-standing union between our countries."

A low murmur immediately ran through the banquet hall. Queen Karin's eyes shut a little. 'warm and long-standing union', hmm? To bring up the marriage herself before it had been announced, this Princess was quite gutsy. Queen Karin hated that.

"We hope for a warm and long-standing union as well," Queen Karin smiled cordially, making the ministers shiver. "Pray tell, Siren Princess, what you envision happening between our two glorious countries?"

The Siren Princess hesitated, likely not sure how to react to being put upon the spot. 

The ministers took this opportunity to speak. "Your Highness, if I may?" The Minister of Agriculture stood and bowed. The Siren Princess turned to look at him, but her expression could not be seen through the veil. 

There was a long, tense moment where she did not move. If she did, she was displaying weakness and deference of the Aselans to their Country of Lee. If she did not, she, a bride, was disrespecting her in-laws supporters. The anticipation rose with every moment, and the Minister of Agriculture's face darkened visibly.

Myriem had the resigned knowledge that the simplest way for him to resolve this was by stepping forward himself. They could grumble their discontentment but they could not face him directly. Ruey was already passing Myriem his handkerchief.

"Pardon me," Myriem pushed his chair back and stood up. All eyes in in the hall landed upon him. "We have seen the Aselan's dance, but we have not yet shown them ours."

With his words, the banquet was reminded that this was not the appropriate place for politics, this was Keel's celebratory banquet welcoming the Siren Princess. Queen Karin frowned at her son, wondering if he had fallen for this foreign princess already, but she did not interfere. Her husband watched with quiet disinterest.

Myriem got up from the table and walked towards the central carpet before the throne. The musicians took their cue to begin playing a romantic partner dance. Myriem walked straight towards the Siren Princess and offered her his hand.

"May I have this dance, your Highness?" Myriem asked.

Julie Anne's face could not be seen clearly through the veil, but Myriem was able to make out a full pair of pink lips, a straight nose, and eyes with an almost seductive lilt. Myriem was unphased and uninterested. She was such a nuisance, he thought as he gave her a charming, gentlemanly smile.

The Siren Princess placed her hand in his. Myriem led her to the dance floor, not thinking about how her hands were rather large for a woman.


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