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"Just gotta...catch my breath," Jim panted, slowing to a stop and slumping against a thick tree. (Y/n) paced in front of him, locking her hands together and placing them on top of her head. Callista kept watch behind them, the rest of the group trudging on ahead of them, slowing their own pace. 

"Is it really smart to be traveling in such a large group?" the assassin whispered. "If Arthur does catch up to us, which he very well might on his fast horses, then we've become a very easy target." 

"We're gonna be fine," Callista assured her. "No one knows the Wild Wood like the trolls do. And we've got your other friends covering for us, right?" 

"Well, no offense to Douxie, but he's doing a pretty bad job of keeping his own cover," the Akiridion said uncertainly. She looked down to Jim, who had his eyes closed, hand spread out near the shard in the amulet. "We should keep moving, but we can walk. Come on. I'll help you." 

Accepting her help, Jim stood up and the trio started off again. "So, what all happened to get you to turn...good?" the Trollhunter asked, his voice breathy and tired. 

"Well, it was an accumulation of events, I guess." She sighed. "Ultimately, realizing that Morando was wrong and that the royals were good and honest, and they really cared for me." She looked down at her feet. "Well, cared for me after I had to prove myself by almost dying. Besides the point, though." 

"Bad people can change," Jim muttered. "I would know." 

"You don't seem to be entirely accepting the idea that I can, though." 

"No! No...I believe you can, I just...I guess I don't know you very well, and the first time we met..." 

"Has it not been enough for you? Jumping after you to try and save you, carrying you out of Camelot, apologizing for what I've done?" She hugged herself, their footsteps momentarily the only sound. "I know I did a lot of bad things, and I'm sorry. I know that that won't cut it, but you could you at least cut me some slack? Until we get back to the present, anyway." 

"We shouldn't be arguing, anyway," Callista put in. "If we magical creatures argue among ourselves, what makes us better than the humans out there?" 

"Not all humans are bad," Jim and (Y/n) said at the same time. They glanced at each other and (Y/n) shrugged. 

"I mean," she said, "Toby's not, anyway." Callista studied them skeptically. 

"Look," the troll finally said, "all I'm saying is that we need to trust each other and stick together. We already lost the rest of the group, anyway, and we're moving slower, so we'll be easier targets. Let's put our heads together and figure this out." 

"Well, let's start with being discreet," (Y/n) said. "No doubt they'll come after us the second whoever that big troll was stops puppy guarding the border." She pulled out her serrator and held it loosely in one hand. "I can bring up the rear and make sure no one follows us, and I'll fend them off if they do." 

"Sounds good so far. We'll keep taking it slow; try and get your strength back up," Callista murmured to Jim. He nodded, closing his eyes and breathing through his mouth. (Y/n) tucked her serrator away once more and they continued on through the forest. 


"You hear that?" The trio paused as (Y/n) angled her head back, hearing faint yelling from behind them. "That would most likely be our pursuers. You two, pick up the pace. I'll hang back and draw them away." 

"No, (Y/n), we're not leaving without you," Jim said. 

"Save it - you don't even like me. I'm the best equipped to hold them off. Now get going!" Callista grabbed Jim's arm and tugged him away. The Akiridion waited until they were out of sight before turning and loping off towards the knights. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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