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Time travel was so confusing and everything went over (Y/n)'s head. Though she was fascinated by the time map, taking a jab at it and earning herself a very annoyed look from Merlin. Douxie grabbed the Akiridion's arm and pulled her away. She huffed and pulled her arm out of his grip, turning and stalking out of the room. 

"(Y/n)!" Douxie called, hurrying after her. 

"I get it, I'm annoying, maybe I shouldn't have done that," she said. "But I can't help myself! I think I'd be better helping people on the ground, back down in Arcadia. I don't belong up here, Douxie. Clearly. I just can't handle myself properly and Merlin already doesn't like me." 

"Well, to be fair, you have to be a special kind of person for Merlin to like you," Douxie said. (Y/n) rested her arms on the railing, looking down at the clouds below them. He rested his own beside her, following her gaze. "I know it can be overwhelming, and we are trying to inform you as quickly as possible." 

"I know," she sighed. "I'm sorry for being so difficult. But I just recovered from Morando, and maybe not even fully! I'm tired, Douxie. And I'm nothing like the rest of you. Claire doesn't like me, and I think Jim would hate me if he wasn't in stasis. I just don't belong here." 

"Nonsense," Douxie said, grabbing her arm. "Come on. Maybe I can-" They both looked up as a bell that sounded like an alarm started ringing. The pair leaned over the railing, twisting their heads up to try and see what it was. (Y/n) saw a watch tower floating just into view when suddenly a blue ball of...ice...sped towards it, slamming into it and icing the whole thing over. The bell stopped ringing abruptly. 

"They found us," Douxie whispered, his eyes widening. 

"Who found you?" (Y/n) demanded. 

"No time to explain! Come on!" Douxie pulled her up a set of stairs, meeting up with Merlin at the top of a battlement. Archie flew up to meet them when another ball of ice slammed into the battlement, rocking the whole castle backwards. Merlin, who'd been pointing his staff at an oncoming ship shaped like a skull, dropped the artifact, falling onto his rear. 

"I've got it!" Archie shouted, diving after the staff. 

"Holy-" (Y/n) activated her shield just as a fireball came flying at her, driving her backwards, her heel hitting the curb of whatever was behind her. She looked back, noticing a sort of object that reminded her of an atom model in science. "Douxie! What is going on?!" 

"The Arcane Order! They've come for her!" the young wizard shouted, throwing up a shield around himself, though he winced when the fireballs hit him. Archie still hadn't returned with the staff. 

(Y/n) ran over, putting her shield in front of them both. "We need to make the time jump!" Merlin shouted. "Be ready, all of you! Hisirdoux, you'll need to steer us to safety!"

"You've got it!" Douxie replied. He pointed to the other side of the atom model thing. "Over there, (Y/n)." They ran over, Merlin following close behind, looking at the skull ship.

"This sucks, by the way. Why can't Arcadia get a break?" the Akiridion yelled. "Why can I get a break?"

"It'll be fun once we get away from the Order!" Douxie encouraged.

"Time travel? Fun? I don't know, Douxie. My race probably hasn't been to Earth in whatever century you're from."

The castle rocked precariously again before stabilizing rather suddenly. The trio looked over and spotted a bridge of ice linking them to the ship. "They're boarding us!" Merlin shouted, diverting his path away from where Douxie was and disappearing down the stairs just as another bridge of ice slammed into the castle, a third following.

"I'm going to help Merlin," (Y/n) said, stepping away from Douxie. "You can get there on your own, right? Great!" She turned, almost bumping into Claire and Steve. "Oh, cool. You've got some friends. Who needs a freakish alien anyway?" She ran past them and followed Merlin, finding him on one of the ice bridges with a sword, trying to break the ice.

"Surrender, Merlin," a cold, rasping voice purred with a chuckle. (Y/n) saw the small figure floating towards the old wizard and ran forward as Merlin turned to face the figure.

"Never." (Y/n) got down on one knee, pointing her gun at the figure and firing. There was a yell above them and she took her eyes off her target briefly as the battlement from before lifted up, careening towards them. She looked back to their attacker but he was gone and she looked around, confused.

"No! Galahad!" Merlin shouted. (Y/n) grabbed the old wizard and leaped off the bridge, barely landing on the stone of the castle as all three ice bridges crumbled, the castle promptly tilting away from the ship. Merlin stood up, dragging the alien back into the castle where Jim, AAARRRGGHH, Blinky, and Toby were.

"What now?" (Y/n) asked. She blinked and looked over as a bright green flash appeared and the castle rocked yet again.

"Hisirdoux will steer us through the time rift into safety," Merlin said. He turned around. "I need my staff." With that, he ran back outside.

The castle started turning and (Y/n) assumed that was Douxie 'steering them through the time rift'. She stood awkwardly, Blinky eyeing her, all of them seemingly not knowing what to do when suddenly the Shadow Mephits came back.

They were caught up getting rid of the pests when suddenly the castle rocked so violently AAARRRGGHH, who'd been holding Jim, stumbled, the castle titling sideways. The green stasis rock flew out of the troll's grip, hitting the wall and slipping out the window.

"Jimbo!" Toby cried and (Y/n) released her hold on the object she'd been gripping, turning gracefully in the air and diving after the rock.

"This was a horrible mistake," she said the instant she touched Jim, spotting what she assumed was the time rift.

That she and the stasis rock were flying towards.

The former assassin looked up as Claire screamed, her, Douxie, and Steve flying towards the time rift as well. (Y/n) squeezed her eyes shut, regretting the in the moment decision to jump after Jim when there wasn't anything to land on anyway.

Then she was through the rift, Douxie calling her name in bumpy, cut off phrases.

"This is going to hurt," she grunted as the trees neared. She slammed back first into a tree, Jim squishing her beneath him. "This...better make you...like me."

And then they were falling in a big dog pile, Jim now squishing both her and Steve. "A lot."

"Is everyone okay?" Douxie asked.

"Define okay," (Y/n) hissed, shoving Jim off her and crawling away from Steve. Douxie opened his mouth when Steve started squeaking, pointing behind them. (Y/n) turned, only to met with a sword to the face. She grabbed her serrator but Douxie pushed her hand down as the leader of the new group spoke.

"What manner of sorcery is this?"

And then Steve screamed.

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