Meeting the devil

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your POV
I was sitting in the streets alone,cold and scared. My parents told me to stay here and I did what they told me cause if I didn't they would hurt me like they always do. I was playing with a few little stones on the ground and as I was playing with them I saw someone's feet standing in front of me and I looked up to see a goat man "h-hello?" I said "hello little one" he said crouching down to me "what are you doing out here all on your own?" He asked "mommy and daddy told me to stay here and they said they'd come back".

The Devil's POV
I was walking down the streets in my goat disguise and I could hear a little person's voice 'what's that?' I thought to myself looking down. As I looked down I saw a little child about 4 or 5 sitting on the floor playing with little stones and she looked up at me "h-hello?" She said and I crouched down to her "hello there little one" I said "what are you doing out here all on your own?" "Mommy and daddy told me to stay here and they said they'd come back" she said.

I looked at her and her clothes were all dirty,her hair was in a mess and her arms and legs had all bruises and red marks on them "um,if you don't mind me asking but where did you get those bruises and cuts from?" I asked "oh um....well,mommy and daddy would hurt me...and they would be really mean to me and they'd yell at me and....and" she started to cry while talking "oh...did they hurt you really bad? And did they give you those bruises?" I asked putting my hand on her knee and she nodded "oh honey,I'm sorry" 'what am I doing?! I shouldn't be acting all nice to this child! But...I can't leave her out here on her own' I thought.

"Tell you what? How about I take you back to my casino and you can stay with me and some of the others there?" I asked her "huh? I-I can?" She asked "yeah if you'd like to" I said "yes! Yes please!" She said bouncing about making me chuckle at her cuteness "then let's go" I said picking her up "also what's your name?" I asked "oh my name is y/n!" She said "hi y/n I'm the devil" I whispered to her "*gasp* but aren't you a goat?" She asked "this is my disguise to trick people" I said "ooohh okay".

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