At the casino

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Your POV
The devil took me to his casino and it was huge! There was all bright lights around it,it looked really pretty and it had a picture of the devil on it "wow" I said "just wait till you get inside kid" he said smiling. We got inside and there was so many people inside "okay y/n I'm gonna have to try and keep you hidden away from these lot-"boss? Who's that?" I heard someone say "his god..." the devil said "boss? Who's the child?" I saw a cigarette person say "i will- before the devil could finish his sentence he was interrupted by another person "who is this little child?" I saw a rabbit man say "oh for god sake..." "is she yours?" I was getting all nervous and the devil mad covered my ears for some reason and I didn't know why until I found out why "I WILL TELL YOU ALL LATER! NOW LET ME THROUGH!" I heard him yell.

Everyone back away and the devil walked passed everyone with me in his arms. We reached a room that said 'king dice's room' on it and the devil knocked on the door "hello?" I heard somebody say "dice it's me open the door" the devil said.

The door opened and I saw a dice headed person in a purple suit "boss?! Who is this chi- "let me in and I'll tell you".

The devil walked inside the room and I heard the door close and I was getting a little scared "so boss? Who is this child you have?" The dice man asked "okay dice,this is y/n,I found her on the streets and the reason I have her is because" the devil whispered something to the dice man and he had a shocked face "oh dear,so are you gonna like..keep her?" "I dunno,I might but I don't know how to be a farther figure!" The devil said "'ve had me since I was 12 years old and you basically raised me like I was your son,so I think you'll be a great father" " sure? Cause I could give her to you" the devil said.

The devil's POV
"What? No! I could take care of her and help you but I won't be her farther!" Dice said "hey! Don't say that you'll make her feel bad!" I said "sorry..."dice said " devil? Who is this dice man?" I heard y/n say "oh right! I haven't even introduced you to him yet!" I said "y/n this is my right hand man king dice or you can just call him dice" I said "hi" y/n said waving at him and dice waved back "nice to meet you" he said "you to!" Y/n said smiling so cutely making dice nearly die of her cuteness.

"I can see your already loving her" I said "i don't care,she is so adorable!" Dice said pick her up and hugging her and making her giggle "your funny dice" y/n said hugging back "am I? Mr devil over here never thought that!" Dice said "that's because your jokes were terrible!" I said and y/n giggled.

Little devil (the devil and kind dicexchild reader)Where stories live. Discover now