Chapter 7

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"OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD". said Leona, starstruck.

"Noah this is incredible! One of these suites is literally bigger than my house, like what". said Isabelle, opening the door that connects her and Oliver's suite to Noah and Leona's. Noah smiled at Isabelle. 

"Thanks so much Noah! This is definitely better than being put on a plate by an ugly green ogre". said Mia. 

"You're welcome! Although, you are the one who killed 'em". Noah said, still smiling. Mia winked at him. 

"Dude, when are we going to the pool?" asked Aiden. 

"Oooh ummmmm, let me think. It's 12:30 pm right now, so how about we order lunch, then watch some Netflix to ✨digest✨ our food, then head to the pool around 3 pm, come back at around 4 pm, ooh and then I have a surprise for y'all". Noah answered. 

"YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, I'm hungry". said Leona. 

"Ok ok! Here's the menu". Oliver said, handing a menu to each one of them. 

"WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW". said Leona, flipping through the 8-page menu. The rest of them looked at each other and laughed, Leona would eat A LOT during this trip. 

"I think I'm gonna have a club sandwich with fries". said Aiden, as Noah jotted his order down.

"I'll have the mushroom and parmesan risotto". said Oliver. 

"Oki, and you girls?" said Noah, as he kept writing.

"Ummmm, I'll have the steak with fries please". said Mia, politely.

"Yup". Noah said.

"And Isabelle and I are gonna share the Hawaiian pizza". Leona added.

"Alright! I'll have the Indian curry. And for dessert?" Noah said. 

"Arroz con leche for me". said Aiden. 

"Tiramisu for me". Oliver said.

"Raspberry cheesecake please". said Mia.

"Rocky road ice cream for me!" said Isabelle.

"Ummmm, oooh! Churros please!" said Leona.

"Ok, I have arroz con leche for Aiden, tiramisu for Oliver, raspberry cheesecake for Mia, rocky road ice cream for Izzy, churros for Leona, and I think I'll get a creme brulee". Noah said, writing everything down on a piece of paper, and then he dialed room service.

"Hi, can I have an order for 6? We'll get the club sandwich with fries, the mushroom parmesan risotto, the steak with fries, the Indian curry and a Hawaiian pizza. Then, we'll take the arroz con leche, the tiramisu, the raspberry cheesecake, the rocky road ice cream, the creme brulee and finally the churros". Noah said, in his "I'm-very-polite-and-mature" voice. 

"Alright. May I have your name, and all the names you are ordering for?" said the room service person, through the phone.

"Sure. I'm Noah Taylor, and here with me I have Leona Montgomery, Isabelle Carozza, Mia Velaz, Oliver O'Malley and Aiden Tucker". Noah said. 

"Ok, thank you. We'll have your order delivered within 20 minutes". the person said.

"Thank you!" Noah said, and he hung up and looked at his friends. To his surprise, they were all snorting.

"What's wrong?" he asked, this time he had switched to his "I'm-talking-to-my-friends-so-what-I-say-really-doesn't-matter-so-I-can-talk-however-I-want-cuz-they-don't-judge". 

"The change in your voice, Noah. BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA". Leona said, waving her legs on the bed like an upside down beetle. 

"Oh come on, it's not that different". he said, but he knew the difference. They chatted for about 15 minutes, and then the doorbell rang. 

"I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Leona, hungry as hell. She ran to the door, and said: "Hi, thank you so much, bye bye!" Grabbing the pack of food, rushed to the living room, that was actually the living room of all 3 suites. She took out the food, and put everybody's food in front of them. 

"Jesus. Someone's hungry". said Isabelle.

"Shut up and eat". Leona said, and they all laughed. They all ate within half an hour, and then turned on the TV. 

"What are we watching?" asked Mia.

"I have an idea. Let's vote! I'll give 3 options, k?" said Noah.

"Sure!" said Oliver.

"Alright. First option: Modern Family. Second option: The Office. Third option: Greys Anatomy. Everybody write their answer on a piece of paper, fold it, and put it in this hat. Do NOT write you're name". Noah said. Everybody wrote their decision, and popped it in the hat. Noah then took out the pieces of paper and counted them.

"Alright so we have 2 votes for The Office, 1 vote for Greys Anatomy, and 3 votes for Modern Family, so we'll watch that!" said Noah. Everyone agreed, and they all watched 3 episodes. 

"Aight, it's 2:45 pm, everyone put their bathing suits on, and let's head to the pool!" said Isabelle. They all went back to their suites, and at 3 pm, everyone was ready to head out. Leona had on a navy blue bikini with gold straps, Isabelle had on a red bikini, Mia had a dark purple bathing suit with silver leopard dots, Aiden had an orange and black tiger marked one, Noah had a black one, and Oliver had a neon green one. They all headed to the pool, and they had to take the elevator to the roof top. But when they arrived at the roof top door, it was locked. 

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