Phew, that was a long season. I thought to myself while lying on the floor.
Everyone was exhausted after TPOT finally ended, as it was the longest season everyone had to go through.
I then suddenly remembered something.
Oh yes! During bfb 16, didn't I say to Taco....
"You can tell me all about it when the gang's back together!"
Now that the gang IS back together, that means we can actually catch up on everything that has happened!
I searched through the crowd of objects, trying to find where Taco and my other friends were, as after the shows ended we all decided to meet together, so it was really crowded.
After a while of searching I suddenly saw a glance of Taco's white shell, and immediately shuffled over to her.
"Taco! Taco!" I desperately tried getting her attention till she turned to me.
"Oh, hey Book!" She finally noticed and started also shuffling towards my direction.
"How about we go to a less crowded area before we start talking?" She suggested.
"Good idea." We walked over to the sides, where there weren't as many people so that we can actually speak in private.
"It's been a while, hasn't it Taco?" I said, trying to start the conversation.
"Yeah, it feels like it's been years since we finally talked to each other again!" She replied.
"I... I wanted to say sorry about accusing you of abandoning our team so many times all those years back..." I said.
"Hm? Oh yeah, that! You don't need to worry about it, I already gotten over it." She says. "The thought that you have forgiven me came across my mind the time you saved me from the lava in episode 14 by sacrificing yourself."
The memory came back to me with me pushing Taco onto the roof of the bathrooms.
"Heh, yeah I remember now."
We began having a conversation about everything that has happened on both of our shows, and I was quite surprised by the things Taco listed off; Four sending eliminated contestants into spinning cages in the sky, Firey's sleep paralysis demon, Four sinking into the earth, and more.
"Man, your experience seems to have been so much more exciting than mine!" I exclaimed.
"It wasn't really as exciting as how I explained it to be, but it was still a nice experience!"
"It's... really nice finally having a friendly conversation with you Book." Taco says.
For a split moment I actually thought Taco's eyes looked really beautiful, but immediately shook away the thought.
"Er- yeah, I'm still really regretful of what I did in the past." I said, feeling a little embarrassed.
"Like I said, I've gotten over it, and I forgive you, so you don't need to worry about it anymore." She stared at me with a stern expression.
"Fine, fine, then how about we try to not speak of those days again, and try moving onto a brighter future?" I asked.
"That...." She looked at her lap, then suddenly reached for my hand, grabbing it. "That would be lovely." She finished.