Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Location: ??? (3rd Person Pov)

Year: 1400

Artoria floated throughout space with her entire body battered, her breathing ragged and her sword Excalibur smashed into pieces

Two beings much bigger than even the sun floated above her looking down on the unconscious young woman

???: She displayed impressive power, to think she would be able to defeat Etarnatus, these humans are impressive, don't you agree Daichi?

"Daichi, an unknown entity interested in the well-being of humans that live on Earth, though she has vowed not to meddle in their affairs she fears a day might come when that vow might no longer have a meaning"

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"Daichi, an unknown entity interested in the well-being of humans that live on Earth, though she has vowed not to meddle in their affairs she fears a day might come when that vow might no longer have a meaning"

Daichi: Humans, every day they keep on getting stronger and stronger but don't get it twisted Kurayami, this human didn't defeat Etarnatus, she only forced him to retreat, it's a loss on his side for underestimating humans but she still didn't defeat him for the number of injuries she sustained

Kurayami: Hmm, at the rate humans are going they'll soon surpass those that call themselves "Gods"

"Kurayami, another unknown entity although she never had an interest in life outside those she calls "Primordial" witnessing Artoria's fight has sparked an interest in humans"

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"Kurayami, another unknown entity although she never had an interest in life outside those she calls "Primordial" witnessing Artoria's fight has sparked an interest in humans"

Daichi: That was always bound to happen, those "Gods" are incapable of many things

Kurayami: Hmmm...

Daichi: What is it?

Kurayami: I want one

Daichi: What?

Kurayami: I want my own human, one that belongs to me

Daichi: What?

Kurayami: This human has shown me that a select few humans will eventually surpass Gods and when it happens I want to be there to witness it myself

Daichi: So what are you going to do?

Kurayami: I'll reside within a human body

Daichi: You're willing to use a prohibited art just to see humans grow?

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