Chapter 26: Her Decision at Last

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Australia (3rd Person Pov)

Himeko couldn't register what happened next but she did register the blinding light and the sound of everything around her being reduced to atoms

Mei: You can open your eyes now...

Himeko obeyed and found herself looking down at the ground or rather at a complete nothingness, her eyes widened once she realised that the entirety of Australia had been completely eradicated 

Himeko: W-What... what happened?

Mei: It's surprising isn't it?

OST: Gentle Hands (Naruto Shippuden)

Himeko looked up to see Mei slowly becoming transparent as she began to spit out blood 

Mei: Damn, I used its weakest technique yet it managed to drain away my entire lifeforce even with myself being part Oni

Himeko: Entire lifeforce? Wait..! Mei! What did you do?!

Mei: Himeko... please... take care of Aether for me, I'm worried about what he'd do once he hears of this 

Himeko: Hold on! You haven't answered my question yet! What did you do Mei?!

Mei: Is it not obvious? I used one of my swords techniques to counter Omitter's attack 

Himeko: A technique that can destroy one of the largest countries on this planet...

Mei: Heh, its nothing impressive in the first place, my ancestors were capable of destroying time and space itself with this blade

Mei lifted the sword and took in its looks

Mei: Compared to them I'm nothing but a disappointment... heh, I'm not surprised whoever my parents were left me to fend for myself 

Mei looked up into the sky as tears began to drop from her face

Himeko: Mei...

Mei: It's fine Himeko, I just wonder if I made the right choice not confessing my feelings to him...

Himeko: ...I'm sure you would've made a great couple 

Mei: Maybe have even given birth to a prodigy...

Mei turns around then sadly smiles at Himeko as she generated with what little energy she had left two notes, one with the letter Y on it and the other with the letter A.

Mei then slapped both notes on the hilt of her blade before glancing at Himeko

Mei: This is mission successful but... it's also a goodbye from me, try to live a good life from now on, you got that, Himeko?

Himeko teared up whilst Mei's attire shifted back into normal everyday wear and her smile turned into a cheeky grin

Mei: Now now there's no need to cry is there "Himme-chan"

Himeko: You... fool...

Himeko wiped away her tears then shifted her body as she felt the presence of a vortex behind her 

Mei: Tell Aether to train, to train himself to the point he breaks, I doubt Raikiri will be capable of containing them for long

Himeko: You mean they're still alive?

Mei: Also you may find yourself noticing he's changed quite a bit from when we were younger, he's mature, smarter and a lot more caring

Mei descended to Himeko's level then placed a hand on her shoulder 

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