Chapter 29: Rayquaza and Aether

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Home (3rd Person Pov)

Aether was sat outside the home Gaea had built looking at a photo of him, Himeko and Mei. It had been about an hour after he had his talk with Xenovia and to be frank, he still felt as though there was a void in his heart slowly eating away at him.

Rayquaza: It's hard for you isn't it?

Aether looked up and saw Rayquaza walking out of the home, he then placed the phot beside him and stood up

Aether: Rayquaza...

He looked down at the photo then sighed

Aether: Even though Xenovia talked to me and handed me that note, I can't really say I'm satisfied... I mean the talk she gave me sounded kind of forceful

Rayquaza: I understand, I've observed her since she decided to act with us and I've noticed that socially she struggles, I'm sure she tried her best but I understand if the talk didn't really get through to you

Rayquaza looked at Aether who looked down at the photo troubled

Rayquaza: (Xenovia told me he was fine after he read the note but it seems he's back to this depressed state... is it because during that time his emotions were all over the place that he wasn't thinking straight? If so then it would also make sense on why the Rinnegan manifested) Aether...

Aether: Yes?

Rayquaza: Come with me...

Aether: Where are we going?

Rayquaza: Just follow me, I want to show you something

Aether: Okay...?

Rayquaza began to ascend into the sky, as she did so she grabbed onto Aether's shoulders before blasting into the sky much faster than he could comprehend as within half a second she had already passed the clouds

Rayquaza began to glow, she released Aether by throwing him above herself as she then transformed into her true form

Rayquaza began to glow, she released Aether by throwing him above herself as she then transformed into her true form

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Aether fell on top of her head whilst Rayquaza was stationary

Aether: H-Hey, what are you doing?

Rayquaza: Just make sure you're comfortable, I'm going to show you something, master

Aether listened and sat down on top of her head as a green aura was slowly released from the scales of her body before she blasted off through the sky, Aether looked behind himself to see Rayquaza's speed not even affecting the clouds but to him, he could tell she was moving fast. So fast that it felt like his body was being torn apart from twenty different angles at once

Rayquaza: Does it surprise you?

Aether: Huh?

Rayquaza: My speed I mean... I'm so fast that I surpass time itself, that's why you can't see the clouds being affected, they'll probably split apart five minutes after I've actually passed them

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